Faces on the Middle East Conflict

Jul 16, 2006 17:33

During this whole fiasco with Lebanon and Israel, I've talked to Tzachi to see what's going on with him and to make sure he's okay during all of this (especially as it turns out a missile reached impact fifteen minutes away from him in Asqelon). The thing I find interesting is how much camaraderie he has found with people IN Lebanon.

"And really Lebanese always talk to me nowadays on bear sites and they are so nice Roger, I'm serious. So understanding, so sympathizing ... I got a message today from such a stunning Lebanese guy. ... He wanted to know if I'm okay and how am I coping well with the situation and we both were very sympathizing to each other."

It just stands in irony that there is that bonding between two citizens of warring nations, yet all of the heckling he's gotten has been from countries not involved in what's going on.

"I got a message from an Italian guy saying, 'Stop the massacre Israel is doing in Lebanon and in Gaza, stop the bloodshed, stop Israel. ... we killed in the past we don't kill anymore. You kill now and a lot.' ... It amazes me, since we are not in conflict with them. And if Lebanese don't attack me as an Israeli and as a Jew, why them?"


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