
Jul 04, 2006 20:36

Today's Independence Day, and how did I celebrate it? Doing laundry. Indeed, there's a deep metaphor there if I were willing to dig for it. nytemarewulf went to work despite a horrid day yesterday and not feeling well today.

We had a guest over for the weekend, so it wasn't so bad -- and it was a great excuse to clean the apartment. I had to work on Monday, but it was so slow I opted to leave after lunch, and tried to show parts of Peoria to my guest today. Which would be fine and dandy, if anything was actually OPEN -- I tried to show him the riverfront, but it was all closed for tonight's festivities, and he had to leave this afternoon. I'd go back down to the riverfront for said activities tonight, but the buses don't run on the forth, so ... blah. I finished laundry, so I'm just going to sit down and relax -- maybe finish my lychee sherbet. Carl and I are looking at another city visit this upcoming visit, so that gives me something to look forward to.

An odd thing: I managed to stumble across an English version of Andorra's song this year, "Sense Tu", sung by Anabel Conde, who sang backup for Andorra the year prior. Now, I love this song (even IF it got a whopping 8 points and last place this year), and it's surreal to hear it a) sung in English with completely opposite lyrical meaning, and b) being sung by Anabel Conde, whose voice impressed me back in '95 when she sang "Vuelve Conmigo" for Spain. So does this mean that Andorra was considering Anabel to represent them or what? Oh, and Anabel, honey ... stick to a language you speak. I love you dearly, but your English is awful. Here, listen to the song for yourself.

holiday, eurovision, carl, life

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