My Fanfiction
Quick overview:
The stories in the
Backstage Series are intended to fit seamlessly into the combined canon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: the Series. They contain elements that canon never showed, but don’t directly contradict - nor are contradicted by - canon itself.
(This covers all seven TV seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and all five seasons of Angel: the Series, but no other. Despite Joss Whedon’s statement that the BtVS “Season 8” and “Season 9” comics are a canonical continuation of the series, I do not feel compelled to accept them as such. They’ve just gone a little too weird in a few too many places.)
Queenverse Stories, done in partnership with
SRoni, are AU, and so - except that the principal character makes an appearance in “Each Proud Division” (Backstage 15) - are unconnected to the Backstage Series.
Independent Stories are exactly that: unlinked either to one another or to the Backstage entries.
Snapshots series is made up of collections of drabbles, but these are 1) canon-consistent, and 2) drabbles based on my own Backstage stories. I know, self-indulgent and egotistical, but then so am I.
Other Fandoms section covers those occasional stories that actually stand outside the universe of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Enjoy, but don’t try to make connections; there aren’t any.)
Drabbles (so far, at least) are canon-consistent, but not intended to be counted as part of the Backstage Series.
(If you want to see a separate listing of the stories I’ve done as crossovers, click
this link. If you want to see a separate listing of the remixes I’ve done, click
this link.)
Stirred, Not Shaken” is a category, not of my work, but of remixes of my work by other authors. (And each one a standalone, of course, unconnected to anything else.)
One final note: it’s a matter of pride to me that the Backstage entries have been so carefully constructed that I’ve never been Jossed. All these stories, to the best of my knowledge, remain in congruence with the facts of the original series, and any seeming variations can be justified in one way or another. If you see anything that seems to be contradicted by canon, let me know! I’ll either argue with you, or see if it can be corrected. Either way, I’ll appreciate the attention.
the Backstage Series (click
this link for a chronological listing)
01 -
Point of Focus*
02 -
Come to My Window*
03 -
All Ye Who Enter*
04 -
Shadow and Substance05 -
Twilight’s Last Gleaming06 -
Morning’s Echo07 -
Solitaire Till Dawn08 -
In Ev’ry Angle Greet09 -
Hell Hath No Fury*
10 -
Objects in the Mirror11 -
Whisper of a Moment12 - …
Than Meets the Eye*
13 -
Notes on an Opera Program14 -
Tip of My Tongue*
15 -
Each Proud Division16 -
the Human Touch17 -
Ex Post Facto*
18 -
the Still, Small Voice19 -
Phase Shift20 -
Dusk Over Pompeii*
21 -
Glass Ceiling22 -
Beg to Differ23 -
First Do No Harm24 -
Yet to Be Seen25 -
Learning Curve*
26 -
Walking After Midnight [Remix]
27 -
X-Factorial [Remix]
28 -
Precious Cargo29 -
Kirlian Logic30 -
Otherwise a Perfect Sky [Remix]
31 -
Unbidden the Day32 -
Zero-Sum Game33 -
Hungry Like the Wolf [Remix]
34 -
An Eye to the Future35 -
Echoes from the Battleground*
36 -
And Your Enemies Closer [Remix]
37 -
Oaxaca Nights38 -
Bitter From the Sweet [Remix]
39 -
Shock to the System [Remix]
40 -
Maxima Culpa41 -
Into the Abyss*
42 -
Rough Trade [Remix]
43 -
Just Can’t Kill the Beast [Remix]
44 -
the Other Night I Dreamt of Knives45 -
Jack Be Nimble46 -
Zulu Time47 -
the Price of Lace48 -
Listen to the Mockingbird49 -
So Sad the Song50 -
Digital Divide *Remixed - see “Stirred, Not Shaken”
Queenverse Stories (with
Q01 -
God Save the Queen*
Q02 -
Queen’s Gambit *Remixed - see “Stirred, Not Shaken”
Independent Stories
I01 -
Voices in the Dark*
I02 -
Critical Review*
I03 -
Perish the ThoughtI04 -
Seeking the Woman*
I05 -
RorschachI06 -
An’ Foolish Notion [Remix]
I07 -
Jasmine Tears [Remix]
I08 -
Family Skeletons [Remix]
I09 -
How Wide the GateI10 -
Best Foot Forward [Remix]
I11 -
Mortal Coil [Remix]
I12 -
Yet They Grind Exceeding Small [Remix]
I13 -
As Moonlight Unto Sunlight*
I14 -
In the Air Tonight [Remix]
I15 -
Subject to Change [Remix]
I16 -
Under the Gun [Remix]
I17 -
the Silence in the Spaces BetweenI18 -
Reversible ErrorI19 -
Man in Motion [Remix]
I20 -
Long Time Passing [Remix]
I21 -
Phantom 309 [Remix]
I22 -
Tea and Oranges [Remix]
I23 -
Curious PosesI24 -
the Final CutI25 -
There Ought to Be Clowns [Remix]
I26 -
Lesson the FirstI27 -
Friends with the Monster [Remix]
I28 -
Deepest, Darkest, Blackest Night, Without a Single Spark of LightI29 -
Better Left UnspokenI30 -
Jokers to the Right [Remix]
I31 -
the Tyranny of NumbersI32 -
That Thing You Do [Remix]
I33 -
Beneath the Bitter SnowsI34 -
By the Rose-Wreath’d GateI35 -
Reality Check [Remix]
I36 -
the Song Remains the SameI37 -
Down the Ringing Grooves of ChangeI38 -
Hell for LeatherI39 -
In the Misty MoonlightI40 -
the Uncanny Valley *Remixed - see “Stirred, Not Shaken”
Snapshots Series (drabbles based on my own Backstage stories)
SN01 -
Snapshots 01SN02 -
Snapshots 02SN03 -
Snapshots 03SN04 -
Snapshots 04 Other fandoms (yes, I’ve done a few)
X01 -
Savant [Alias]
X02 -
Icarus [DCU]*
X03 -
Spur of the Moment (with
sroni) [MacGyver/Modesty Blaise]
X04 -
After-Action Report [Magnum, P.I.]
X05 -
In Words of Light and Flame [the Book of Eli]
X06 -
A Breath on the Embers [the Hunger Games]*
X07 -
the Lesson of the Butterfly [Mission: Impossible (1966 TV series]
*Remixed - see “Stirred, Not Shaken”
D01 -
MemoryD02 -
AdversaryD03 -
SoullessD04 -
Parting ShotD05 -
QuatrainD06 -
Fish and Visitors (with
D07 -
Check and MateD08 -
Best Served ColdD09 -
Junior DeviantsD10 -
Rest for the WickedD11 -
Sight UnseenD12 -
Sunnydale SaturdayD13 -
Absent FriendsD14 -
Passing StrangeD15 -
Life’s Little MysteriesD16 -
Fortunate SonD17 -
Official AttentionD18 -
AftermathD19 -
Dead to RightsD20 -
Needs MustD21 -
To the NinesD22 -
Curtain Call “Stirred, Not Shaken” - Remixes of my work
R01 -
the Dance of Death Remix by
faith1922 (“Voices in the Dark”)
R02 -
Twisted Road by
SRoni (“Hell Hath No Fury”)
R03 -
A Cool, Dry Place by
globalfruitbat (“Hell Hath No Fury”)
R04 -
Abandon Hope by
snickfic (“All Ye Who Enter”)
Author commentary by
snickfic ]
R05 -
Finding Freedom by
sunnyd_lite (“Seeking the Woman”)
R06 -
Rumination by
froxyn (“Voices in the Dark”)
R07 -
Grand Inquest by
eilandesq (“Icarus”)
R08 -
the Princess Diaries by
lwbush (“God Save the Queen”)
R09 -
Sunnydale Stakeout by
deird1 (“… Than Meets the Eye”)
R10 -
Secret Gardens by
sroni (“Point of Focus”)
R11 -
She Didn’t Really Like High School Anyway by
slaymesoftly (“Come to My Window”)
R12 -
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc by
brutti-ma-buoni (“Ex Post Facto”)
R13 -
Light a Spark by
evil_little_dog (“A Breath on the Embers”)
R14 -
Pomp and Circumstance by
flyingcarpet (“Echoes from the Battleground”)
R15 - The Man (
Part 1 and
Part 2) by
dragonyphoenix (“Critical Review”)
R16 -
Improvising Modesty by
eilandesq (“Spur of the Moment”)
R17 -
One to Go by
deird1 (“Into the Abyss”)
R18 -
Déjà Without a View by
velvetwhip (“Dusk Over Pompeii”)
R19 -
As Water Unto Wine by
sroni (“As Moonlight Unto Sunlight”)
R20 -
Final Exam by
eilandesq (“Learning Curve”)
R21 -
Never Known by
frogfarm (“Tip of My Tongue”)