Something new for me

Jan 07, 2010 16:10

Two things.

First, I’m now past 5,000 words on my current Buffyfic.

Second, I had one of those ‘last flight of fancy while in the process of waking up’ semi-dreams, and it gave me the idea for a meme. I’ve participated in several, but never originated one before, so this is a new experience. So, here we go:

The Letter From the Future Meme

Premise: a letter from the future, any fandom.

  1. One fandom, no crossovers. I would prefer the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: the Series, but don’t insist on it. Buffy/Angel doesn’t count as a crossover - two series, same reality - but Buffy/Firefly would.
  2. Name the fandom and the characters. (You can do so at the end, under a cut, if you want to preserve a surprise.)
  3. Both sender and recipient must be actual characters in canon. This can include characters who were referenced but never seen, such as Milo Rambaldi of Alias or the ‘kooky shaman’ mentioned in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Obviously, neither sender nor recipient can be an OC. Just as clearly, the sender can’t be a descendant of the recipient unless said descendant has been seen - or at least mentioned - in canon.
  4. The sender can be the future self of the recipient, but for variety’s sake this should be avoided.
  5. Post your response on your own LJ, citing this entry as the meme source, and post a link to it in a reply to this post.

iraq2009-10, deployment, fic_writing, meme

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