Oct 19, 2009 16:29
Best day ever. No joke. Okay, morning was not so great, Naomi didn't tell me she was ill , even thought she has my number, my mums mobile and there's msn, and i left late but got to school fast cause I walk quickly on my own. Okay, i dumped my guitar in the music cupboard and found i still had ten minuits, so i went on one of my walks aimee definition of swain-stalking. That's when I saw cara, and so chilled with her for a while. We walked around and chatted and said hey to mr lloyd, what a weirdo,gotta love 'im.
So, Breaktime came, and not much out of my ruitine me and cara met outside mr swains room. I'm in a class in the 'restricted' corridoor just near by and she walks past there to get to the playground. He was in there and i think if i was on my own, with no other kids, i would have cried. Y'know when kids have those night in shining armour fantasies where everything ends up happily ever after? Well, Scott Swain is my childhood night in shining armour. He look so incredible. So perfect, so good. I spazmed to keep my cool, as you do. Alice Tidd walked past and barged in. I would have cried again, then, and it was very hard not to. Why did she get to talk to him and I didn't. It's not like she's in love with the guy, is it? I asked cara if we could go in, but i didn't want to seem too stalker-y, now , did i?
See, last night, my brother told me i should look for a new dream job because what i want to be isn't gunna happen. That's when mum came in and told me i could always become a philosopher and do stuff about how your mind works. And Tom seems to be completely ignoring me , it's making me fragile, i guess. There are so many Swain references now, I feel like every one of my options in like are pointing to him, right, and today just made me want to be with him even more.
Anyway. I opened the door just as he was about to leave. Cara said it looked like i was blocking the door. "Sir, I'm reaally upset because Alice get's to talk to you and I don't!" I said. His face gave away that his heart broke for my distress. Or at least that's what I thought. "Awh, Don't worry, Aimee!" He said my name. He said my name. He Said my name. "You can talk to me, now! How are you?" A Conversation. A real , live conversation. And he started it. Anyone else would be like 'Oh well' and walk off chuckleing. He actually wanted to talk to me. I wanted to hug him. He's so amazing, beautiful, Kind, FUnny, Pollite and has such a cute, huge personality! "I'm great, How about you ?" I replied and didn't look like a twat. Dreams 1, Reality 0 :) "I'm brilliant, thank you, " he said, adding one of his killer smiles. Those smiles light up the whole world. His smile is the sun and the moon and the stars <3. "Where you in town yesterday?" I asked, as I thought I had seen him. He shook his head, still smiling, and said he didn't think so. "Oh, I thought i saw-" I stopped mid sentance for little more than a second. I couldn't say i thought I saw his car because that would really give the game away, now, woulldn't it? "I thought I saw you" I said, adding my signature smile, my signature grin.
We kinda stood there for a minuit, and I made use of the time, letting myself 'happy up'. I don't care if Naomi hates it that I love him, It makes me happy and at least i'm not depressed, right? Depressed girl in love with someone who's ignoring her, or depressed girl constantly acting happy and is in love with someone thats ignoring her, but is also madly in adorance of Scott Swain, so what if his occupation is teacher, so what if he's older than me, because I'm happy and that's better. He then told me he was hungry.. So i let him go. And Spazmed.
I'll type up my other story later . I gotta go, now, though
Byee !