Poetix in politix

Dec 19, 2008 19:22

Man, it would suck to be dead Rudyard Kipling and have corrupt embattled solipsistic liars go around quoting your verses. Not that he never ever asked for it by being an imperialist didactic bastard every now and again.

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Leech, my son!

Of Elizabeth Alexander, who will read at Obama's inauguration before or after the homophobe, I have this to say: why not Lucille Clifton par example, who is alive and seriously kickin' and much better? Two disappointments, Mr. O.

And now the Prop 8 supporters want all of the existing gay marriages in California annulled. As far as I can tell, their chief aim is to make couples cry cuz they get off on that. Oh, yeah, and "protect marriage" from the evil gay sodomites. According to these people, my own straight marriage is clearly suspect because we haven't yet produced offspring, clearly the role of marriage along with officially sanctifying sex for the non-gays.
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