Things that need to be known to the world.

Jan 15, 2006 11:57

Dear world and its' people. Here are somethings that I think need to be established and/or cleared up.

-The word Illinois is NOT pronounced with the 's'. It's silent and SHOULDN'T be said. If you say it you shouldn't even consider yourself smart or an American [You can't consider yourself both because it's pretty much Paradox] (that means it is a statement or proposition that contradicts itself). Saying the 'S' make you a HUGE retard.

-Another word that doesn't have an 'S' is the word ANYWAY. Despite the fact that over 2/3s of Americans write it 'Anyways' or say it that way [I do it occasionally too] We must all note that it's incorrect and must stop being said that way. It's not a real word if you use the S.

-When writing a series or years or decades you have to realize that you DON'T need an apostrophe. It's not the 50's or the 1900's. The apostrophe's function is to show owner ship or is used to combine words like "It is", "We are", "Cannot" etc. If you are just going to refer to a time period without going into detail about things from it such as music or fashion etc. then don't use the apostrophe. It should be 50s and 1900s.

- There is no word as "LOL" or "OMG" or "ROTFL" etc. When online use real words. It is a conversation you are having with a person. You don't say "L-O-L" or
"O-M-G, i can't believe you" when face to face with someone. The internet is no different. It is just like a phone conversation but with visual words rather Aural words. There is no need to tell a person that you are "Rolling on the Floor Laughing" because chances are, you are still sitting down on something typing. Most people don't throw themselves on the floor to laugh when speaking in person. I doubt that conversing online is any different. "LOL" is stupid too. LAUGH OUT LOUD. You do not need to tell the person you are conversing with that you are laughing. If you want to tell someone, you find what they say funny, suck it up and write something similar to the sound of a laugh such as "heh" or "hah" etc. "LOL" doesn't mean anything.

-Contrary to some belief, Self mutilation isn't healthy or attractive for that matter. If you cut yourself, that doesn't mean that you are artistic. It means you're messed up and need help. If you want to be artistic Paint something, make music, write, dance, take a photo. Do something that doesn't HURT you. If you think that having your lips, chest, butt or anything else unnatural like that pierced then you should realize that you look ridiculous. It's not right to have your lips shut together by cheap and ugly pieces of metal. Having your genitals pierced is also ridiculous and extremely ugly and not to mention risky. If you want to look unique do something that wont make you look so mutialted and inhuman.

-You cannot use the word 'LIKE' for anything and everything. You can use it to;
a. show resemblance [... like a ....]
b. present an instance or example [I enjoy things like...]
c. indicate characteristics [when you do this it's like...]
d. show a tendency for something [I felt like...]
e. present a suggestion [It looks like..]
f. use as a conjunction [to do that like...]
g. use as a thought [they reacted like it was]
h. introduce direct speech [They were like...]
i. show pleasure or a need [I like...] [I would like...]
WHEN you use it as a Filler for a sentence you sound like a valley idiot who need to be shot. No other country has a word like this. If you say like incorrectly then you shouldn't even have the right to speak because 70% of the time the things you will say WONT HAVE ANY MEANING. It's almost like expecting an animal to say something intelligent. Use your words like they should be used.

That's it for now.


things that need to be known

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