Happy New Year

Dec 31, 2005 18:47

It's new years eve. Woo hoo I suppose.

I'll be Cliche and Do a recap and a lot of thankyou's under the cut.

Interlochen Girls and Boys;
I love you all with my heart, especially Emmy, Kelsie, Caitlin, Steve, Caleb, Jamie, Sarah, Meg, Erin, Sam[SAMMMMYYYYYY], Kevin, Jason and Joe. I heart you all very much. You're all extremelly talented and special people. You are what makes my summer so exciting.

Memories from Interlochen
The beach trip was quite grand. Kelsie, you and Emmy were hilarious during our water escaped. Kelsie, we also became the queens of Bubble making during the Co-rec and found that we are almost the same person. Emmy those days on Main Camp with you were so fun, especially the 4th night in when we played Egyptian Ratscrew with Mark[!!!] and then saw some pretty sweet magic for $5. Caitlin just in general was a grand person to hang out with.
1. Best Friend Bob
3. Killer Squirrel
Caleb, the conversations we had the last 3 days of camp were grand. It was nice to know that there was another person who enjoyed intellectual conversation, and observation of life in general.
Sam, sitting behind you was hilarious, especially when Parkmen would sweat and it would hit you. Our drawings are still on my music. :)
And i suppose here's something.. Imagine Mr.Parkmen in a Whale suit... Can't? oh well, let me help you;

Orchestra Kids
Mark, Dan, Lexi, Missy, Micheal, Vicki, Caitlin [once again], Kyle, and Laura.

Thanks [?]
Mark- You def. are my fav person in orchestra of all time. I love how we sit there in orchestra and just give eachother these looks like "wtf? is going on". Fizzo would be so boring without you. I wish i could go to England so that I could hang out with you, too bad we didn't hang out when we were in France. Main camp at interlochen was grand with you too. I wish we could have hung out around the last week. :( You're an incredible person mark and a wonderful friend. Thank you!

Missy- we're stand partners and you def. rock. As much as we both think Fizzo is boring, it's still fun because of all the ruckus we make in the back with Micheal and Lexi. Death my music fo shizzle.

Micheal- I'm going to miss you so much when you leave! You're such a talented violinist, whom i admire with all my heart. As much as I thought you were a cocky person my first year in, i've realized over the past 5 years that you aren't that at all, but a genuine, extremelly talented and VERY smart person. I wish you the best of luck when you leave for College [John Hopkins or Harvard Hopefully] :)

Fenton Kids
Garrett, Sean, Sean, Dane, BmcG, Kyle, Alex, Tiny, Carl, Will, Jacob, Cam, Ashley, Lauren, Mandy, Sarah, Shawna, Kara, Vern.

Garrett- You are probably my bestfriend ever. You are such a talented and Smart person that I can't help but be in awe. You have always been there to cheer my up and I thank you. Band Camp was hilarious because of you and your kickass personality.
"This is the Last time I have Sex with you Bitch!.... I'm sorry, I want you!" We put thos big black people to tears with that. You also brought all the Girls to the Yard with your dancing skills. Orchestra is wonderful because i have you in there with me. You and Mark put together are the sole reason why I come to rehersal. You are also a very good cheescake baker, and I cannot thank you enough for that cheesecake. I love you little brother. :)

Sean [Twin]- I don't know what I'd do without my Twin. I know we had tiffs and problems during our freshmen year, and I'm glad that we sorted those things out because I'd be nowhere without my twin. We
are twins. Being at Mipa with you was one of the main highlights of my summer. Having you there for moral support was also grand. I won't forget our late night conversations, our Pizza escapades and the trip we made to the Marching band site and Into town just so we could get slushies. Hopefully this coming year we can do the same. Freshmen Orientation was also a feat that we overcame and I thank you for dealing with the stupid Freshemn. Without you.. I wouldn't be able to go to Panera before compline and have the opportunity to speak about love, life, and of course.. twinlyness.

Sean- You are one of my favorite people in the entire universe and nothing will ever change that. Being in your presense always makes my day. I would be 'nothing' without your friendship. You're an extremelly talented person, that will go far in life. You're always there to make me feel better and listen to me late at night when I ramble about nothing, and you still seem to understand exactly what I'm trying to say. "You've grown on me". haha. Alg2 last year with you was one of my favorite classes, you and Tiny just made my day in there; perhaps my favorite moment "I've never had the shocker so many times in one dayyy". I love you to death.

Dane- you= drumline love + whitest teeth in the entire universe= Love. Thank you so much for being so kickass. You're such a talented and wonderful person.

Ashley- You make LC enjoyable and exciting. You've taught my a lot about myself and about society. I'm glad you're in compline. 3 wise women for life.

Mandy- You are an incredible person, who is very smart. You work hard for what you want and you deserve it when you get it. You are also a very talented writer, I honestly wish i could do that in AP haha. Never get discouraged, ever.

Sarah- You've always been there to defend me and to cheer me up through thick and thin. You are always there to brighten up anyday. Drumline with you was wonderful, being the only snare line girl would have driven me insane. You're a very talented musician and have taught me over the past year. Compline with you was hilarious, especially during Indy when we hung around the mall together and at the arcade. The Science store was the best "Can i have a balloon?".

Shawna- I don't know what I'm going to do when you leave. You're pretty much the only girl who totally understands where i'm coming from. We're so alike its kind of crazy. That one day when we skipped Pit to go to McDonalds and your car broke down in the parking lot, that was hilarious. Luckily for lauren we were ok. haha. You are a remarkable person who I can relate too. I would pretty much die if I didn't have you with me during lunch and in compline [especially last year]. Yay for XX chromosomes during A-day lunches.

Happy New Years I Suppose

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