angel 4x01-4x05

Jun 22, 2008 22:08

4x01 Deep Down
  • Liked the dream. A lot. It was creepy. Even the happy part.
  • Ooh I like this theme song the best of the five I've seen so far.
  • Connor's grin and 'that was cool' bit made me think of Buffy. Which brings out conflicting feelings within me.
  • Gunn: "Connor, you've got to start thinking about more than just yourself!"
    Connor: "I know. - I know."
    Connor glances up at Gunn and smiles.
    Connor: "That thing with the ax was cool, huh?"
    Gunn and Fred exchange a glance. Fred turns away with a smile.
    Gunn with a slight smile: "Yeah, that was tight. (Hands the ax to Connor) Now you get to clean it."
    Very sixteen. Like Gunn and Connor's relationship.
  • Connor: "Vamps dust, nothing to clean."
    Gunn: "Two coats of polish."
    AND A PUT UPON SIGH OF AGONY. <333333333
  • "Can I say dog?" lkdasdf
  • Listen to me: Angel/Cordy gay bff budycop. What the hell is on my screen is not what I want. My needs matter, remember?
  • Though I liked Angel biting her.
  • Gunn: "Right. We just stroll into their heavily guarded law offices and ask Lilah, the evil bitch queen, for help finding out what happened to their archenemy, but, we're kinda broke, so it'll have to be pro bono." I just. Gunn is love.
  • Asked Wesley twice? When was the other time?
  • Lilah with a smile: "Hmm. That didn't suck. - Well - maybe just a little bit."
    Wes: "Perhaps that is something we can expand on next time." alsdfas dead of love.
  • Lilah: "What makes you think there will be a next time?"
    Wes: "Because you can't resist me."
    Lilah pulls Wes head back by his hair and licks the side of his face.
    There is still some dork!Wesley. ALSO LICKING. \o/
  • Wes: "I have no idea where Angel is, Lilah, or what happened to him. - And I really couldn't care." DIRTY LIES.
  • ....He's keeping Justine in a cage with chains. OMG WESLEY I HEART YOU.
  • Justine: "You really think finding Angel is going to change anything?"
    Wes: "Everything changes."
    Why did I wait so long to watch this show omg.
  • Wes, without turning to look: "I'll take away your bucket." Cold. ♥
  • Connor cuts himself to keep his secret. aksdfoweasdf.
  • So I really approve of Angel's nightmares.
  • Connor: "He always looks like he's gonna yell."
    Gunn: "I'm not gonna yell!"
  • Gunn: "You're not as strong yet, but..."
    Connor: "Like I care what you think?"
    Gunn: "What did you say?"
  • Angel: "Life should be beautiful and bright. But, no matter how hard I try, everything I touch - turns to ashes." Oh Angel. <3
  • oh god a sdflksd Wesley is cutting himself to give Angel something to eat. asdklfjsld *dies of love*
  • And the hot. askfsad the hot cannot be overlooked.
  • Lilah: "I said, I'm sorry. I've made mistakes, but *fear* was never one of them." alsdfks Lilah is awesome.
  • She cut off his head. alskdfjasl.
  • Fred and Connor are so cute.
  • Is that real Fred? Shocking Connor. Um I hope so.
  • God much scarier than Gunn, that Fred is.
  • Fred gets up: "You don't feel anything, do you? There's nothing inside."
    Connor: "Why don't you open me up and find out."
    Is there a Conner/Fred fandom? asdfas
  • Fred quietly: "And how soon before we deserved it?" YES.
  • I'm not exactly sure what Wesley's motives were, but I want to know them.
  • Angel: "Sit - down."
    Connor backs up a little never taking his eyes off Angel.
    Connor: "You're too weak to take me."
    Angel: "You really think that?"
    I like this.
  • "What you did to me - was unbelievable, Connor. - But then I got stuck in a hell dimension by my girlfriend one time for a hundred years, so three months under the ocean actually gave me perspective." Just to make sure I loved this scene properly.
  • "I love you, Connor. (Quietly, after a beat) Now get out of my house." This show does know how to pack a punch.
  • Also am interested and squicked with Conner and Angel's chemistry.
  • Cordy: "God, I am so bored." Okay there is a bit of the Cordy I love.

4x02 Ground State
  • Gwen must stay away from other children? Poor kid.
  • And she can't hold blondjerkface's hand? :(
  • Okay she touches someone and they get sparked. Okay I like this kid. The damage should be fun.
  • I like that Fred is the most ruthless about Connor and says Cordy isn't coming back to poor Dennis.
  • Fred: "It's just... you count on stuff, you know? Things being where you left them. What happens if you get back and they're not there?"
    Angel looks down at the picture of him, Cordy and Wes.
    Well played, show.
  • Angel: "Look, what - what went down between us... - I had a lot of time down there - to think. You know about the way things went, the way they could have gone. I just want you to know as far as I'm concerned..."
    Wes puts his ax on a box. Hawkins comes up, takes the ax and replaces it with a metal attaché case.
    Angel: "We're okay again." I approve of this development.
  • Angel, looking at the book: "What should I do then? Send her a gift? Sacrifice? (Looks up to see Wes disappearing through a doorway up some stairs) Unholy fruit basket?" :(
  • Gwen grew up pretty.
  • Fred: "I'm still working on a plan, but so far it involves being sent to prison and becoming somebody's bitch." FRED.
  • Feel free to have more wall kissing, Wesley and Lilah.
  • Wes: "I had to raise him. Angel is - necessary."
    Lilah: "For what?"
    Wes, leaning in for a kiss: "Fighting people like you."
    They tumble onto the floor, kissing, with Lilah on top.
  • Lilah: "I thought you liked the bad girls, Wes."
    Wes: "I don't need to hear evil plans."
    Lilah: "No. It just turns you on knowing I have them." No idea why this is so hot, it just IS.
  • I like this too: Gunn: "Secure the escape route. Guard station, one floor down."
    Fred: "Disarm and contain. Angel, get to the vault, wait for system shut down, then steal the axis."
    Gunn: "You are so hot right now."
  • Lilah: "And you want the name of the buyer. Look, Angel, I know you've been out of the loop for a while, but I'm still evil. I don't do errands unless they're - evil errands." ILU.
  • Angel: "What I find interesting? The fact that I can smell you and Wesley all over each other. - Start making calls. You got an hour." alsdf that's even better than him being growly about Lilah being next to Connor.
  • Fred spins to face him: "Well, who else was gonna do it? Who else was gonna hold everything up after you left me all alone? (Gunn just stares at her) You died and left me all alone!"
    Fred starts to cry. Oh Fred. asdflks
  • I would approve of Gwen and Angel having sex.
  • Okay I didn't think I'd get the kissing, but I'm not going to complain.
  • Angel: "I think you've already figures out I'm not the poster boy for normal. Sometimes you got to let go."
    Angel hauls back and knocks Elliot out with a hard right.
    Gwen: "Hey! I wanted to do that."
    Angel: "You were gonna fry him."
    Gwen: "Was not!"
    Angel: "Don't' fib."
    Gwen: "Fine. Did you at least break his nose?"
  • Angel being all mature is creeping me out.

4x03 The House Always Wins
  • Oh stalker!Angel, how I have missed you.
  • Cordy: "Of course he can do it. He's his father's son. Same dark good looks, same lost boy sweetness, and the broodyness, boy, he got that down stone cold." Taking into account that Cordy/Connor thing. Um. Okay CLAMP has already broken me so I don't even blink. Much.
  • saldfajsld Lorne.
  • Angel: "Know them? No. I met them - once. Twice. For drinks. Maybe it was three times. I did have a life before you guys came along." I still liked it better when he spent 100 years eating rats. But that did make me LOL.
  • Sorry to disappoint, Lilah, but I'm not waiting at the door with a scowl and burnt pot roast. It's sad because in some other time, he would be. :(
  • omg phone sex. alsdkfjsald.
  • Okay can Fred make up her mind on ANYTHING. Just two episodes ago she was tassering Connor and an episode after that was vindictive as hell about him being gone. Now she's all Fred: "Angel does. I'm really worried about him, Charles. (Fred glances behind her at Angel) Okay. I know he was right to send Connor away, but with Cordelia gone, the loneliness must be unbearable for him."?
  • Fred: "Right. No. Because - 'cause he went through some, some sort of - of demon metamorphosis thing. And, and he spit out his entire skeleton like, like - like blah! (Pretends to vomit) Like, like that! And then - and then he-he just slithered away! Down the drain! In the sink! In the bathroom! Hurry!" laskjdfs *dies*
  • Oh poor Lorne. :(

4x04 Slouching Toward Bethlehem
  • Connor sneaking into the hotel. <3
  • I never thought I'd say this: TOO MUCH CORDY.
  • Cordelia: Yeah, and the lying and deceit have been so comforting. A HINT OF MY CORDY.
  • Cordelia: Oh, right, 'cause of evil ninja law firm. These bits bring me pain. Taunts of things I can never have.
  • Lorne: (sighs) Do the words "slouching towards Bethlehem" ring a bell? Or how about despair, torment, terror? And I'm not referring to little missy's choice of song, either, although that was horrifying in its own right. What I saw was jumbled. It was pieces, flashes. It was enough to make my skin crawl away and scamper under the bed. Evil's coming, Angel, and it's planning on staying.
  • Lilah: (climbs on top of him, she's wearing a slinky red nightgown) A dollar. You owe me a dollar.
    Wesley: Oh, damn!
    Lilah: You called this a relationship. (kisses his forehead) You lost the bet. (Wes grabs his wallet off the bedside table) You said it first. (Wesley hands her a dollar) Sign it first, as proof.
    THEY ARE BEING CUTE NOW. Thank you for saving me from boredom.
  • Wesley: Proof of what?
    Lilah: Of now. Of this. (nuzzles his nose, they kiss).
    Um yes.
  • Why are they taking me back to boring Cordy instead of the hot Wes/Lilah kisses/sexing?
  • Okay let me get this straight. Angel can smell people - CAN SMELL IF THEY HAVE THEIR HAIR DYED - on other people. However. His son is in his house mixing with Cordy and he apparently has no idea?
  • Connor's honesty towards Cordy makes me like him more.
  • Wesley: Do you really have to go?
    Lilah: (walks to him) Why? You missing me already? (kisses his forehead) Why can't the show just ignore all the bad saint Cordy and focus on this? FOREHEAD KISSING PEOPLE.
  • Connor: You like shoes. And donuts. And you're very brave. That's sweet in kind of a twisted way.
  • Yeah hello there Wesley. Thank you for making things interesting again. ♥
  • Loved Wesley picking up the dollar. <3
  • The played talk between Wes and Lilah = awesome.

4x05 Supersymmetry
  • Lorne: "I appreciate that, sugar pie, really, but - the answer is no. I'm not a champion. I'm just a regular, old Karaoke-singing empath demon." Have I mentioned lately that I HEART Lorne?
  • I have come to the conclusion that Angel is not able to smell Connor. It's a super power that Connor has.
  • He slowly opens the door and sees someone rummaging through a box of Cordy's things. Angel lunges and throws the person up against the wall. It's Connor.
    Angel: "Oh. Hi. (Lets go of Connor) Sorry."
    Connor pulls his shirt straight: "I'm used to it."
  • Wes: "A bribe. How thoughtful." <33
  • omg he grabs her wrists. aksdalfsa
  • omg Wesley was reading Fred's article. Wes!crush is still cute. Only now he doesn't shave properly.
  • Connor gives her an ax. It's so twisted and cute.
  • He came to watch her speak omg Wesley. You are still cute even when you are dark and having hot sex with Lilah.
  • Angel can keep threatening Lilah while Lilah laughs him off a lot plz.
  • Oh poor Fred. She's writing on walls again.
  • Teen: "Yeah, like, you're Angel, right? There are whole forums on you in chat rooms, man! Who knew you actually, like, existed?!" dig the meta.
  • Angel: "They talk about me in the chatty rooms?" Okay I need more of Angel on the Internets.
  • You know if they don't waffle on Fred being a ruthless badass when the wrong buttons are pressed, I will be happy.
  • asldfjaseldd Fred goes to Wesley to get her revenge, tired of being sweetness and light. And hello I could get behind that ship so hard.
  • And Wesley's feelings for her are starting to actually work for me beyond ZOMYGODCUTE level.
  • Wes: "Fred, you do know that everything Angel and Gunn told you is true. Vengeance will have a price - and once you've acted you can't go back. You'll have to live with your actions forever."
    Fred: "He's a serial killer."
    Wes gets up: "Alright then. (Walks over to his books) I'm sure we'll find - an appropriate solution."
  • I'm digging Cordy/Connor despite myself.
  • Can we keep this darker Fred please?
  • growly!Angel.
  • Gunn: "If you kill him, I'm gonna lose you." And then he kills for her. And they are doomed.
  • Hate current Angel/Cordy, but that was one hell of an ending.

shipping: fred/wesley, that's a failure of a storyline, shipping: lilah/wesley, angel: live action tokyo babylon, shipping: buffy/angel, rogue demon hunter, shipping: angel/wesley, taunts of things i can never have, i felt your heart beat (buffyverse), thoughts on canon

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