Please make sure you have read all of the OOC info before applying. Always check the reserved list and the wanted list - if the character is already reserved, you must wait until the reserve posts their application and it is accepted or rejected, or alternatively until their reserve expires. If you have reserved,
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Player Name: Lazer
Player LJ: lazer
Player Instant Messenger Type and Handle:
AIM: captaindinomight
Player Email:
floppybot [at]
Player is over 16 years of age, Y/N?: Yessir!
Character: Son Goten
Fandom: Dragonball Z
Previous RP: Polychromatic
Canon Personality:Goten is quite possibly the sweetest little kid you will ever meet, ever. However, being only seven, his eager and naive personality can be pretty easy to manipulate. If you look at his dad and big brother, you might actually be able to argue that this trait is actually linked to genetics ( ... )
Though mischievous in his own right, it is mightily encouraged when his best friend Trunks comes around. Together, they are the source of a lot of the shenanigans that come up when things get dull. Trunks is the undeclared leader of the duo and the brains of the outfit, while Goten is the support and additional muscle. Even if their personalities differ on some levels, they still share the same stubborn, indignant rage when it comes to fighting with their friends or elders-- to a point where both of them must be knocked unconscious to stop them from joining the forbidden, dangerous fights.
Canon History:
Goten's known history is pretty short, since the series goes through a seven-year time jump for the final stretch, and we only find out about Goten's existence for the first time after the jump ( ... )
His brother is also currently at Trial, so he would have a guardian to watch over him and try to keep him out of trouble. Obviously, he is not a regular little boy, and can take care of himself in terms of strength and fighting if the need arose.
After creating a character journal, please comment here with it!
Join the main comms:
You should also join the three optional comms, tbf_bulletin (an IC bulletin board), tbf_fanworks, and a_trialby_radio (an IC comm maintained by Endrance).
Then, comment to the Taken Character/Friend add using the format provided. If you reserved your character, or if your character was on the wanted list, please comment there so we can remove it.
Please introduce yourself in the OOC comm, and start playing!
Congratulations and welcome to World’s End!
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