from angevin2

Nov 10, 2013 20:52

Post a line from each of your active WIPs. No fandom, no context, nothing. Then people can ask you about them

I'm not sure I actually HAVE active WIPs at the moment, given that I'm trapped in an ongoing hell of moving / trying to get my tenure file together / trying to plan a summer study abroad trip to Ireland / general AARGHH, but what the hey. (And yes, the new apartment, tenure, and Ireland will all be good things. Eventually.) Also, I am not totally sure whether #3 and #4 are the same story or different ones.

1) He did have a vague memory of striking a bargain with the Wife of Bath, to be paid if either of them were to win the storytelling contest - which had seemed like a harmless agreement at the time, since there seemed to be no chance that either of them would.

2) “Is there something in the water in Verona? Why do all of these people keep falling in love and acting like damned fools?”

3) Much later, after even Susanna has gone to bed, he sits by the fire thinking of Jephthah and his daughter, thinking of the impossible things parents ask of their children, and the piety which makes the children obey.

4) They would, Judith thought, have made much of her if they knew whose daughter she was; she would have been introduced to Mr. Davenant, instead of having to ask the tapster at the inn to point him out to her. On the other hand, she would not have heard the very interesting rumor the tapster told her, in a whisper, about Davenant’s parentage.

5) “What has any of this got to do with anything?” demanded Beatrice. “And who mentions the Most Eligible Bachelor in Europe in a story about a plane crash with no survivors?”
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