the English-speaking busboy left under a cloud...

May 20, 2012 13:35

So, I have been reading old travel journals, all in the name of research. Possibly not entirely relevant research, as I have never been to Greece or Turkey before; I have been to Bulgaria, where I was thinking of possibly spending a few days this summer, but it was for four days on a job interview* and anyway I can't find the notes I took at the time. That leaves Ireland, but I'll be with my dad for the Ireland part of the trip and he seems to have pretty definite ideas where he wants to go. So mainly, it's less research than idle retrospection.

I may post some more substantial excerpts later if people are interested in reading them, but for now, have an entertaining English-language restaurant menu from Telc, Czech Republic, in the summer of 2001.

Hors d'oevre

Drowned-men (sausages) from pickled water fished out

Ham roulade with horseradish mousse filled

What the Chef de Cuisine has Down to a Fine Art

Pork to noodles cut and in Chinese art prepared

Potato pie filled untraditionally

Slant-eyed chicken of Mr. "Kung Pao"

Devil's cheese blending

Headsman's stroke (prepared by our chef only)

Chef's Specialities

Whole pork knuckle in the art available in this restaurant only

Three Meats Smacker

Marinated pork cutlet in potato pie concealed

Hawai chicke

Several Petitenesses for Big Eaters

Gargantua's Sword

Bottomless Plate for Starvelings

* I wonder what my life would look like now if I'd gotten the job. It was a three-year contract position, so it would have been over two years ago, and as 2010 was not a good year to look for academic jobs, that probably would have been the end of having a career in my chosen field. So it's just as well that I didn't; but it would have been incredibly cool while it lasted, and I would have been competent by now at travel in the southern Balkans, rather than utterly clueless.


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