a random and idle thought...

May 19, 2012 23:01

I wonder if it would be possible to visit all of the places where Shakespeare's plays are set (and if so, how long would it take?)

Off the top of my head, I have certainly been to London, Windsor, Warwickshire, Paris, Florence, Venice, Verona, Rome, Vienna, Bohemia, and Illyria. (Also several islands, and since we're never given any specific setting for The Tempest, I guess any old island will do.)

I have certainly not been to Athens, Cyprus, Ephesus, Elsinore, Tyre, Mytilene, Pentapolis, Rousillon, the Forest of Arden, Milford Haven, Dover, Padua, Messina (or Sicily in general), Antioch, Troy, Philippi, or Egypt, although I could potentially do something about some of those this summer. I don't think I have been to Navarre or or any of the places in Macbeth, although I might be wrong, since I've certainly been to some parts of northern Spain and some of Scotland. I also don't have any specific memories of having been to Gloucestershire, but it would not surprise me in the slightest if I had been. (ETA: No, I have not been to Navarre; I have been to Pais Vasco, Asturias, and Cantabria. Gloucestershire, however, is a probable yes.)

Pericles is the one that really makes things difficult, isn't it? (ETA again: Pericles potentially makes things impossible in the current political climate, as it appears that Pentapolis is most probably in Libya. However, there are several other places called Pentapolis; one possible alternative suggestion is Knidos, which looks quite doable and rather nice.)
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