Mar 01, 2005 00:53
I keep staying up later and later. I do not know why. Unless it is absolutely imperative to get up early I have found myself pulling nights like these over and over again. When it is absolutely imperative, I end up half killing myself burning the candle at both ends, and when I finally adjust to waking up mornings, I start to slip again. And now I'm on the brink, whereupon I will find it compromisingly hard not to stay up later and later. If my owner didn't get so mad at my staying up late, I think without that motivation I might stay up all the way around the clock, and end up sleeping days, waking nights. The busses and do not run on a nocturnal schedule, so I would be effectively trapped: limited to the distance my bicycle can go (about 5 miles before I have to turn back.) I know this, I am aware of this, I understand the value of getting up early. I even like mornings! And yet I stay up late, and my mind runs around in circles, infinite loops, degrading spirals... so I would talk about it more, but I can't read the screen anymore because I'm so tired things keep going out of focus. Why do I do this?