Aug 20, 2007 02:45
(( EDIT: 'cause I didn't realize the fields and church didn't show on the journal maps XD))
Hmmm... so I imagine that it is safe to assume from the all the rrrumors, and the moan and groans, that it is true there is no known way of departing this fine strongh - ah, city? Tis really not as much as a shame as you all believe it to be, but alas, not all kittens can survive without all the work being done for them, without it being shoved right beneath their noses.
Learn to make do! If you can't learn how to survive than when the monsters outside come to attack the city, you deserve to die, and White Mages don't deserve to save your asses!
Now... if you were strong enough... if you just needed a tiny boast... say... a sort of place to call 'family'.... hmmmm... maybe, just maybe, there will be something for you...
Ah... but the question is... are you?
Now... there was some small mentions of seeing a "church" through the fields. Has anyone ever been there? I will pay a pretty penny for anyone who can give me good, clear detail - wonderful reconnaissance work. Is anyone worthy of this?
Has anyone even been into the fields?
President Naja Salaheem