Player's Name: Heather
Age: 22
What Kingdom Hearts games have you played/watched/read? All games (excluding the FMs), in the process of reading the KH manga, and keeping up with the CoM manga.
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spiritsshadow Character: Naja Salaheem
Series: Final Fantasy XI
Version: Temples of Aht Urhgan; about a month after Aht Urhgan opens port to the rest of Vana’diel
Age: 32 (random guess, lol)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual. She can use whatever she can to her advantage.
Naja is a mithra, a race much resembling a cat and dominated by females. She’s about 5’5”, give or take a few inches because of her ears. The back of her orangey hair is short, clinging to her neck, and in the front her face is bordered by a pigtail on each side and short bangs over the top. Her cat-like eyes are blue, like the water in the port nearby, and her face has darker markings spiking out around them.
She dressed in full gear known as Nashira, a very high ranking material and quite expensive looking. The dominant, puffed red fabric is embroidered in gold, accenting it and the darker gray. It looks as though her top piece is two-pieces (a vest and beneath), but in truth it’s all one (not like she would take it off for anyone, anyway). She wears fingerless gray gloves, surely still adorned by rings beneath.
Her belt area is the most flashy; a stretch of thick, cloudy purple fabric encircling her waist with two pouches of it on her hips. Gold is strung down from the whole piece, with red and blue gems in the mix. Her seraweels (the pants) start out black at the top (leaving an opening hole with a ring of gold where her tail fits through) and then the rest is in a softer red than the mantel piece and cuffed in gold at the bottom.
Her crackows (shoes) are a bit… well… elvaan like (but she doesn’t care too much). Pointy and red and gray.
Overall, her outfit is very gypsy-like.
She is not someone you want to mess with, and if you get enough on her bad-side, it’s very likely that she would send you out on a suicide mission. But perhaps if your mistakes weren’t too costing to her, she’ll only teach you a lesson with her “spiky friend.” A painful lesson. Honestly, though, she’s merely showing you her “affection”! Think of the blood as her crimson tears, she says.
She has no room for slackers or weaklings.
Naja can be a bit over-the-top, melodramatic with lengthy, long-winded, patronizing speeches. She wants work to be done, and to be done right, and there is no exceptions. Ever. Profit is her number-one priority and anyone involved in it are just merely pawns on a chessboard for her to move. They are “expendable and easily rrreplaceable.”
There are many times when the most random of mood-swings will kick in and she’ll go from acting like the sweetest kitten in the bunch, cradling her morning star, to slamming her fists down on her desk and sending whichever fools were in her office, right back out.
Rules for others are a must. Rules for her, well, they’re more like guidelines. To her, if they happen to change, it isn’t her fault, and they should be as accepted with ease as the rising and fall of the sun.
Deviant and bi-polar at its max.
Her sharp wit and dangerous personality is enough for anyone to run cowering, and it’s remarkable that she even has a strong force of mercenaries working under her, and still live to tell the tale.
She wields a morning star called a Morgenstern that hardly ever leaves her side, let alone her hands. It is most often cradled in her hands, or resting up on one shoulder, hand clutching it ever-at-the-ready.
Naja comes into Paixao as her primary job (class) as White Mage, meaning she has a heavy arsenal of healing and protection magic under her belt. Her secondary job is Warrior, making her a very strong opponent, but her defense continues to hang loosely.
But, honestly, who would want to even try to touch her?
Her hotheadedness can get the best of her at times, and if she gets overly frustrated, she may just break down, or break someone. Which in some cases, that can be a very nasty weakness. Her impatience also weighs down on her and sometimes can lead her to make the slightest mistake that makes her lose what she works towards.
And while she may look like and all-out fighter, it is possible to surpass her defenses, but the verbal abuse if she gets back up may not be worth it.
And ghosts. She hates ghosts. Give her the creeps.
Naja is the President/leader of the Salaheem Sentinels. It is unknown how long she has been upholding her title, but she has enough of a wide range of followers that even foreigners aren’t stupid enough to question her. She originally came from the Kingdom of Zhwa, an island nation far south somewhere in Olzhirya. Her real name is “Naja Zhwan” which makes her the princess of Zhwa and she’s related in some way to the great Crystal War figure, Haja Zhwan. Naja took a force of soldier overseas to Aht Urhgan where they founded Salaheem’s Sentinels, but the circumstances as to why are also unknown.
There are three rules that new kittens on the block learn to follow: 1.) Follow her orders without question 2.) Fulfill requests without fail and 3.) Run her errands without complaint. Her “spiky friend” may have words of its own to say if there’s any disagreement to be heard.
In the last month, Aht Urhgan has opened port to the rest of Vana’diel, and even Naja has accepted the foreigners sailing in from Mhaura as fresh meat. They have quickly come to hear word of the notorious mithra before they even make it past the first set of guards.
Though even before port opened, Naja had caught wind of the rumors of its happening, and quickly sent out a Sentinel representative to the major nations on the distant continents, and had them do a bit of… shameless promoting for her business.
The land in which she lives is known as the Empire of Aht Urhgan, specifically in the capitol city, Al Zahbi, in the Merchant’s Ward. The Commoner’s Ward is under constant attack by neighboring beastmen, seeking to steal the city’s Astral Cadensence. Naja resides in her office in an area by the name of Whitegate, overlooking the port.
Her group is the only one with direct authorization from the Empress herself.
She leaves most of the mercenary affairs work to her hume assistant, Abquhbah. And often times forces to him to sing their anthem to raise the mercenary spirit in doubting travelers.
She prefers two cups of Imperial Coffee in the morning, and her favorite desserts are Sutlac and Irmik Helvasi. Hobbies include making pamphlets and fliers to promote her company.
Her tendencies as of late are to not even give foreigners a choice about becoming a mercenary. Indeed, she is one top cat to stay weary of. She sends out her Sentinels on “Assault” missions via the Commissions Agency, groups going to attack in the heart of the enemies’ stronghold.
And from Naja to her Sentinels…:
“You belong to me… Forever! Always! Until dead! You mercenaries are my pawns.”
…and it can probably be certain that once in Paixao, and she finds out she’s stuck, she’ll probably be trying to set up a division of the Sentinels in the city. At the very least it’ll keep her mind off how poorly her kittens back home must be fairing without her wonderful leadership…