
May 10, 2005 02:49

Friday at noon found me in the car, heading up to Katie's house for a crochet workshop courtesy of Julie, dinner at Homeytown, and a horrible movie which you all should not see, despite the fact that Paris Hilton dies and my favorite stalkee Jared Padalecki is in it (I forced myself into liking Chad Michael Murray the night before in preparation, too, and I am saddened to say that I have gone right back to not liking him again. I just can't get over the hair).

Sitting in the inevitable midday traffic, I slipped in my Best of Blur CD and cranked the windows down and the volume up, and sang along at the top of my lungs. I must have looked like the hugest doofus, for soon enough I was grinning like an idiot, grabbing for my phone to text Val and tell her that we'd been friends for three and a half years now. Blur will forever and ever remind me of Val, and Alyse, and of standing on the stump at Val's house and screaming Death to the FedEx man, and salsa that I still haven't been able to find in the stores on the beach beside a melting Harry Potter cake, and stacks and stacks of printouts from Mugglenet, and Alyse's cute little Ikea-esque condo. So I bounced around to Blur in the car and thought about my friends and felt all lucky and mushy and stuff.

We headed up to visit the Line on Saturday, and spent the first half of the day carting Welshcakes and Lee to Frank & Son's and then to Walmart, looking for Star Wars toys and whatnot. At Walmart I bought a SW-theme fuzzy (tm!) thing to color, and then we wound up hitting the Line at about five. We had so much fun. Between coloring the fuzzy (tm) thing in various fabulous colors (Katie and Val, not me!) and thus defiled SW by making Anakin and Obi-Wan "Fabulous!", the fake Star 98.7 guy and his mic, the Ewok essay about George Lucas in an Ewok suit (and something about throbbing manhood, I've blocked it out), and hunting down relatively safe Mongolian BBQ for dinner... well. I want to go back. Right now. :) Instead, I think I'm going up on Wednesday after class, to try and hit my hours and be an actual part of the Line.

Last night, for no good reason as I was falling asleep, I had the sudden mental image in my head of Corey with his chin on Autumn's shoulder, mic shoved in her face, mocking the fake Star guy... and I laid there, laughing like a loon up at the ceiling and hoping I wouldn't wake Matt up.

Yeah, I can't wait to go back. :)
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