Aug 28, 2009 10:20
(ooc: Dean built an EMF out of a walkman. The man isn't stupid. So here is a little smart!Dean for you all. BTW, I have further proof that Azazel's an Angel. "All Hell Breaks Loose" Part 1. Go watch it if you have seen all of season 4. Now.)
I'm writing this so that some of the people over at the Foundation can have a read and maybe put in their two cents. I heard you guys had a large this should give the nerds something to do.
I was talking to Lorne about demon blood and what could be Azazel's master plan. For those just tuning in, Azazel, also known as the Yellow-Eyed Demon, was a twisted bastard that stalked several women in the early 1970s and put them in a catch 22 to force them into a deal which was to be let into their homes one night ten years from the day of the deal.
My mom got all caught up in that and was one of the last women he came for at that time. He killed me dad and both her parents, and said he'd give her back one if she agreed to the deal. He actually had no interest in my mom to begin with...I think it was because I was currently sticking my Time traveling nose where it didn't belong. (Yeah, add that to your notes. Angels can bend time.)
So anyway. Ten years later, Azazel shows up and bleeds into the mouths of these mother's six month old kids (to the date. Why was it so important they be six months old?) If anyone interfered, he'd kill the mother and set her on fire. Some got away okay some...didn't.
These kids grow up and around their early twenties start showing signs of psychic powers. Visions, telekinetics, electrocuting cats, strength, you name it. Make them all fight each other till there is one left. Says the winner will lead his demon army but also open a Devi's Gate in Wyoming.
Fast forward, here come the Angels. Find out the YED is named Azazel. Azazel, after turning over a few books (and with Lorne's help and connections ) come to find out he is a Fallen Angel. Yeah. No shit. "And is the father of the Nephailim". Now I did my homework on Angels. The Jerusalem Bible suggest that the Biblical author intended the Nephilim to be an "anecdote of a superhuman race" and where supposedly wiped out by The Flood (or 10 percent redeemed by God to become demons there after...depending on the text).
"Anecdote of a superhuman race". Fathered by an angel, though fallen.
Azazel was immune to holy water...along with a lot of other things (except for cold iron). If he was an angel, he got twisted down in the Pit just enough to have a bit of demon in him...but still...angel.
I'm beginning to think...Azazel was trying to make Nephailim. But he couldn't just go sleeping around to do it. God didn't like the first maybe he fed the kids his blood, hoping it have the same effect. Maybe all those generations before Sam's was tests to see if he could do it. If ten of these original ones survived, maybe there is descendants of it still roaming the earth.
It also brings to mind that Angels require certain bodies to possess. Something in their blood. It allows for the angel to take possession. (God, my head is all over the place on this...) Does it work the same with demons? Do they need a specific body too (they just don't ask like angels do?). I mean, what the hell was Ruby's point in getting my brother hooked on the stuff if it didn't make him more powerful? That still makes no sense unless it was a means of control she was trying to exert over Sam.
I'm beginning to think my brother's powers arn't as demonic as we all think they are. Heaven doesn't like Human/Angel half breeds. It probably explains why Uriel wanted to turn Sam into a greasy spot on the floor. Once I get my hands on Cas, I need to get his input on this.
What do you researchers over at the Foundation think?
heaven and hell,
special children,
demon blood,