This past week... Wow. Gone quickly. I mean, wow. Lol I was so busy. Well, at least quite busy. Busier than ususal. Lol it was awesome though.
So on Monday I had school, of course. Lol which I can't remember much about. In history we started some research. In resource.... I can't remember what I did. Lol and the rest of the day... Typical day at school since I can't remember anything really. Lol after school I had curling. Which was awesome, because it always is. Too bad the curling season is ending.
Tuesday was, again, research in first. Then I had a spare in resource. Math was math. At lunch I went to Voices and Choices. Skipped out on Sign club... But I had to skip out on one of the two! Lol Bio... I think was just bio. Lol and same with chem. Didn't have curling after school so I was kinda bored :( Lol Wednesday was cool. Well, school was okay. Research in first again. Lol and in math, Warren and Mike were doing magic tricks and stuff with cards amongst themselves and I was watching them. Lol can't really remember much of the rest of the school day. Well, lunch I went to Sign. And we practiced more for our Variety Night performance. But yea, the afternoon, I can't really remember.
Variety Night was cool. Well, the Sign performance wasn't as polished and in synch as it usually is, but oh well. And Robyn later told me that Brad was smiling like the whole time and his teeth were glowing. *angry face* Damn that idiot grade 9! He's in grade 10 this year, but he's still the idiot grade 9. Lol the rest of the performances were cool. Most of them were people playing music. But there was one group I found pretty cool that was doing hiphop and break dancing. Intermission was kinda funny. Most people left the aud, and so the lights were flickering. I was standing with Jo and Linda, and I figured it was Eric who was playing with the lights. I looked to Jo for confirmation, and she said yea it was Eric. So I was like, "Eric, stop it!!" loudly and the thing is, he stopped. Lol I thought that was cool. After intermission, Aimee and Amanda's short little play was pretty good. I liked the music too. Like when Jeff and Sadie and Ashley and those guys played clarinet or whatever.. forgive me, I can't remember. Haha! Then there was a band that I guess played at roadstock last year. They were good too. Loud, but good. Haha
Yesterday was cool too. School went by quickly. I was reading through my research notes in history. Kept doing so in resource. Lol math was... Mike and Warren doing tricks again. Lol I wasn't watching them this time. But Mr. P caught them, so that was kinda funny. Can't remember much of the afternoon. At about 2:30 though, after I'd bee home for an hour and a bit from school, my mom, dad, and I went to this one photo place. They took lots of pictures of me, and the photographer had me laughing in like every one. Lol And the people working there were telling my mom that I'm photogenic and animated. Lol Then last night, I had German. Got my test and poster-ish thing back. Got like 93 and 98 percent on them. Yay! Lol
School was okay today. We did notes in history. No more research. Lol I worked on my history research in resource though. And in math there was a quiz. In bio we did review of stuff for the test next week. And in chem we did an experiment, which Mel and I finished and then realized it screwed up. So we were like :( Gotta do it again on Monday. Boo! Lol but we got out labs back from like last week. Got like 65 percent on it. Yay! I passed it! Lol better than I thought I'd do. Hehe and then after school I pinched my thumb on my locker. It hurts :( Think I got a blood blister. Boo! Lol
Ppl talk cuz you are an anti- trendsetter(or you
are just unique.)You wear complete oppisites of
the clothes other ppl are wearing. Ppl wish
they were you cuz you are confident with who
you are, that's another reason they talk. YAY
FOR YOU!!!!!!
why do ppl talk about you?(pics- girls only)UPDATED!!! brought to you by
Quizilla Hehe not exactly wear the opposite of what others are wearing but yea... Today I'm wearing black dressy pants, a white skirt, and a red 3/4 length sleeved shirt. Lol