OOC: Everyone's favorite psychic has a new face. (And some other housekeeping stuff)

Jul 11, 2011 17:18

Background info: 
-Taiki and Senri originally hail from the manga Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, starting in 1996 and ending with the 23rd (or something) volume in 2004. I write from this canon (with liberal headcanon because... such minor characters, gosh).
- In 2007, a ridiculous live-action series consisting of 12 episodes aired in Japan. It's lulzy and has very little to do with the original story, aside from the character names and girl-crossdressing-to-get-into-her-idol's-high-school concept. This is where Taiki's PB came from. I hated Senri's PB and so chose a better one.
- Just last week, a live-action remake of the live-action remake aired. I think it'll be about 12 episodes as well. I haven't seen it because I can't find it subbed anywhere yet so I have yet to give a thumbs down, though it's said to be a little closer to the manga.

So. The new Kayashima?
This guy:

Yanagishita Tomo. By all accounts, probably a better fit physically to play Taiki. In everything else I've seen him in, Tomo almost always plays the... angsty gay kid? I think his character trademark line is "I am disgusting". BUT! As I said, I have yet to see the series so I have no idea how he'll do in the Taiki-role.

I've been pretty unhappy with my icons lately but I just don't know if I can actually give up Yamamoto as the PB. Unfortunately, as he grew up, Yamamoto really changed physically and I can't use any current images. My 26 year old character may forever be represented by a 17-21 year old. There's the added fact that I've been playing Taiki (in and out of this journal) for nearly 4 years now under this PB...

tl;dr I hate my icons and Taiki's PB is no longer relevant but can't change because I am weak-willed.

Last order of business!
I have to do something with this character. Ideally it will be to out him. It'll probably be the most anticlimactic reveal ever because no one will actually care. Is anyone interested in being around/witnessing/being involved in this? And aside from that, I have to get some character interaction going because otherwise he will just disappear into hermit-dom -- so if anyone is interested in Taiki threads or comments, please let me know. (/desperation)


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