The Big Show: How Dare You

Mar 06, 2008 09:46

Military intelligence

Is this an oxymoron? Why? I believe there is a lot of intelligence within the military. I represent that side of war and I have more than enough intelligence. People believe this phrase because of Ares and his violence. Not that my wars are not violent, but mine are directed, focused, and well thought out. Ares charges in and lays waste. It's such unnecessary violence and leaves the civilian population with the idea that the military has no idea what it is doing.

There is a very simple truth to this. A military that does not know what it is doing, that lacks intelligence, will not last in the long run. A stupid army will run out of supplies, attack when it is better to defend or over estimate its strength and attack the wrong opponent. This sort of army is not an army at all, but a horde of barbarians. They are uncultured fools with a desire to ravage and kill. They have no concern for establishing civilizations and cities. There's no concern for their troops. Foot soldiers are nothing more than cannon fodder to generals with their eyes too big for their sword.

I have no love for horde armies. I lay waste to them when they come to my cities. The armies I support are quite intelligent. I would never support an army that did not think as well as it fought. Mortals should not assume that the military lacks intelligence simply because they do not understand why they have done something. These people make war for a living, they should have faith they know what they're doing. If the military is acting foolishly, it will be revealed in time. Mistakes always are. Military intelligence should not be counted as an oxymoron, no matter how amusing the idea might be. It's offending to me, Goddess of Wisdom and War, that people think that it is.

fighting, culture, war, ares, character prompt, civilization, military

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