Geocaching My Way - #1816

Feb 01, 2020 16:36

Water Water Everywhere But Not A Drop To Drink

Found it


Alrighty then. It's been a while since I've logged a cache on line. Longer than it's been in between cache finds. I decided I wanted to start caching again... Like I used to... Old School. I know that's a dirty word (2 actually) but I don't care. Old School shouldn't be a bad thing. I make a plan to find a couple of caches with a handheld GPS, using the phone like a PDA... And then get on with my life. Make my own personal goals, not someone else's challenge. No Social or geo-political crap. Just go out find some caches, get some steps in, get away from the house and see stuff. I had been caching a little here and there, but I didn't sign on line, sometimes I didn't sign the logs - Usually because I wasn't in the habit of carrying a pencil anymore.
Well, It's a whole new year, Decade Actually... And I'm getting ready to celebrate my 19th year of Geocaching. I thought I would start off my newer caching adventure with a friend's cache. It's close to home, I have to take the trash to the dump anyway and I pass by here going there... So here is where I'll start back full on caching, picking caches I want to do... And logging them On line with the type of log entry I used to do. Hopefully one that's worth reading.

OK so the trash is stinking up the car and I am trying to remember how to load the coords in the GPS and there is some guy in a truck with his kid who is stopped on the road watching me... which is beginning to give me the creeps. But I'm thinking..." HEY DUDE! Nothing to see here! Move a long or this angry fat chick will give you something to see... That you will never unsee.!!!" I was saying that all on the inside. But I did stare back.

Anyhoo... yes I know that I could have used my phone, but I am trying to do things the way I used to and I need to practice using both tools. Finally, I headed in the right direction and the ol' skills came back. Once I knew I was heading right for it, I put the gps and phone a way and used my geosense to find it. It was a little more in the open than I think it was supposed to be, so I tucked it away a little better than I found it.

Thanks McEllen. A nice little find to start the day off with. It makes me want to find another! Maybe I will!

old school, 2020, geo-caching, get moving!

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