Weekly Chuck Norris Facts - Week 53

Dec 25, 2017 06:55

Monday 12/25
Santa Claus sees you when you're sleeping - but Chuck Norris can see you while Santa is Sleeping.

Tuesday 12/26:
Chuck Norris can't hit a target on the broad side of a barn.  Every time he tries the whole barn falls down.

Wednesday 12/27:
When Chuck Norris folds during a round of poker, he still wins the pot.

Thursday 12/28:
Every Dog has its day -- except Chuck Norris's dog.  It gets a week.

Friday 12/29:
Chuck Norris can catch a falling star and put it in his pocket.

Saturday 12/30: & Sunday 12/31:
Chuck Norris is awake 25 hours a day.

december, chuck norris, 2017

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