10 Things Challenge - Week 7

Jan 27, 2013 12:43

This week has been very challenging for this project.  I was pretty focused on just getting the fridge out of here, work took a lot of my focus in the evenings and well... It can't be my main focus all the time.  Getting rid of stuff is not as difficult as it once was, it is becoming second nature... it's the documenting that takes a lot of time.  Lets take the Fridge for example... The old me would have kept it and used it in the garage - The new me never even thought about keeping it.  The calling around to get someone to pick it up... well that's new too.  The old me would have pawned it off on the Rednecks or saved it for a garage sale.  I feel better about where it went.

  • 1.) The Refridgerator  1999 Maytag Side by Side Model: MSD2556AE  - I replaced my old fridge with a new one.  The old one was donated to a family through St. Vincent DePaul (Catholic Charities) that hasn't had a fridge since Early December.  This should work well enough for them.  While restocking the new fridge... I did go through and check dates ... tossed a few things (6) plus the fridge (1)

  • 2.)Desk Chair - I replaced my old Desk Chair with a new one.  I had the old one since 1995.  The hydraulics were iffy, it didn't have a lot of back support and it had a large footprint in the room.  I donated it as well.  It went with the Fridge.  (1)
New                                                      Old

  • 3.)Miscellaneous Dog Items - I decided to straighten the kitchen pantry cabinet and I found some stray dog items: food scoops, bowls, Lucy's shallow bowls for when she was sick, I took the bowls and scoops downstairs and put them with the rest of the stored dog items.  The shallow plastic bowls... well they got recycled.  I was able to clean things up a little.  (3)

  • 4.)On top of the old fridge I found all this stuff.  A ziploc bag of Humidor parts - My Recipe book and assorted recipes - a plastic basket of ice maker parts, multi-meter, and instructions - A Dry erase board - magnetic clips, pen holder and well... magnets.  I culled thru the magnets and only kept the gifts - They went on the side of the new fridge, Grandmas picture went on the front,  the rest went in the Trash.  Dry erase board and magnetic pen holder - on the other side.  The only thing I kept from the basket of ice maker parts was the Multi-meter.  It was put with the rest of my electrical tools.  The rest... In the trash!  The recipe book went in the guest room with my other books for now.  I put the baskets away... and Voila.  (7)

  • 5.)So I was cleaning the old fridge while waiting for the guy to come and pick it up... And I had a thought.  I think there is a part to this fridge shoved in the cabinet upstairs.  I was going to use it for something else (I don't know what...) but I felt it needed to go with the fridge.  So I ran upstairs, dug it out and brought it down to the garage and installed it.  It was the can dispenser.  I stopped using it a very long time ago - and forgot about it.  But when I was cleaning the plastic containers out a couple of weeks ago - I saw it!  So luckily I remembered.  When I dug it out, I found this container lid inside of it.  Since I don't have those containers anymore... I put it in the recycle bin.  I also decided I should check and see if I had the paperwork for the fridge... But I only found the original receipt.  (2)

  • 6.) Again while I was waiting for the guy to show up - I spied a glass fridge shelf in the corner of the garage.  I was going to do something with it too, but since  the fridge was right here, I checked to see if it would fit.  Nope, so I put it in the trash.  I didn't even hesitate. Now that is Progress! (1)

Week : 7
Weekly Items : 6
Total Items for the Week     :  22
Total Items for the Project   :  248

10 thing challenge, decluttering, organizational

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