What Can I get Done in a 3 day Week-end???

Jul 01, 2011 19:55

 Well... It depends.  On the weather.  How my Back Feels.  How the Dogs feel.  You know... Stuff like that.

As for the weather... It's supposed to be hot and then just keep getting hotter.  Ok So hot dry weather projects... means I should pick a project that's outside.

My Back... It's sore, but nothing a  couple Advil won't dull.  So I think I can handle strenuous manual labor.

It looks like we are heading towards a Landscaping or Construction project...

Now for the Dogs and How they are feeling...  Lucy is of course who I worry about most.  She is a little sluggish and won't eat her meals without some kind of threat or treat... they actually have the same effect except one is less fattening.  And I've noticed she's slowed down on her intake of water... AGAIN!  Yes it's still a party around here when she drinks.  But she when I'm not here... she doesn't drink.  So I decided to try a suggestion made by Aunt Rose... fill the Pink Pool up so she can get in during the day when I'm not here - to cool down aaaaand maybe drink some extra water.

Well it worked.  She's already been in it and was slurping away when I left this morning.

As long a Foster doesn't get all weird (more than usual ) We should be OK.  Dollie - She's a trooper.  So I don't worry about her bringing the drama.

So I have the time, the weather, the back... and plenty of beer.  I think I will tackle the Deck.  To finish staining and put the rope lights back on.  That's a tall order.  Because I am so not wanting to do this.  It will ruin my nails.  But if I can finish this project this weekend... It will be worth the extra $30.  I am so sick of looking at this on my todo list and tripping over the crap in the garage.  I am so over this deck project.  It shouldn't take a year to do this.  But it has Dammit.  OK you heard it here... Deck done by Monday.... We shall see.  I will take pictures before I start so you can see it's not as easy as it sounds.

todos, project plans, deck, projects

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