Cache #1553 - 1555...

Oct 30, 2009 22:19

Geocaching with My Buddie Goss!...

 Slayerette found Tallulah Gorge: A Product of Rock and Water (Earthcache)      So I get this call a couple of days ago. Just to be clear she's a red head & I'm a brunette... Though the conversation sounds more like the blonde leading the blonde.
"Hello" - mind you I know who it is
"Hey Annie, This is Goss."
"Goss Who?" - hey it had been a while
"Very Funny!" -
"What are you doing on Friday. I'm going up to Tallulah Gorge to take pictures you wanna go?"
"And some Caching too??" - trying not to beg tooo much.
"There's Caches up there?" - She's honestly surprised.
"Uhhhhh Yeeeeah." - Sarcastically amazed she doesn't know.

And the E-Team rode again. Though Lucy didn't get to go... Though she may make it some day. And Johnnie couldn't come. It was raining all day which slowed us down, but that didn't stop us. See the 2 of us tend to be slightly accident prone... so we took our time going down to the bridge stopping along the way to take pictures, admire the scenery, heckle each other and look in crevices for snakes all the while laughing hysterically and holding on to the rails for dear life. The bridge was a little scary only because, well... it moves and it's really high up. We seriously thought about going down a little further, but decided we had pushed our luck enough. Those metal stairs are a little slick when it rains.
Then there was the journey up the stairs. It's funny how quickly you can do math in your head when you are looking up those stairs...We decided to make a game out of climbing up the stairs. We each guessed the number of stairs between each landing, pointed our eyes to the ground and counted OUT LOUD each step as we attacked them in our accent. Of course we followed "Price is Right" Rules...
There was no winner, I had to stop playing and have a phone interview on the way up. Thanks for the fun. It was beautiful and the pictures turned out great.

Even the real spooooky one with the faces in the water. It creeped me out.
Thanks for the fun.


The First picture is me and Goss's hands holding the GPS... This way we would only have to have one picture for the 2 of us.  I'm going to say something that really sounds weird coming from me... But you can tell by the manicure which hand is mine.  That even stuns me when I read it.   The second is my hand and the rock formations.  And the third is at the Overlook Point on the other side of the gorge.

  Slayerette found Tallulah Point Overlook (Earthcache)      OH MY GAAAWD! This was a fun day. I haven't laughed like that in the longest time. The best part of caching with Goss this time... is nobody got hurt. This was the 2nd to the last stop on our tour of Tallulah Gorge. I have been here at this store several times... but this was the first time I actually just stopped and looked around. thanks.
Goss and I haven't been out caching in a while... but I think because of the success of the day it won't be so long till the next time. Everytime we come up here, we just can't stop making plans to come up again. Now we have to work on our follow through.
The leaves were beautiful though the constant drizzle of rain wasn't... though I am proud to say it didn't stop us.

  Slayerette found What A Sight (Traditional Cache)      While out with Goss At the Gorge had to stop by for this one!!!! All I can say is Goss's caching skills are stilll on.... She spotted it before I even parked the car.
Man she's annoying sometimes. I made her get out in the rain and bring it back to the car...She paid me back though The cache wasn't all she brought back to the car.. Maaaaan! She needs to stop eating those volcano tacos!

Thanks for the cache.

found smiley, geo-caching

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