Passengers... Yeah It's Anne Hathaway. In a Thriller no less. It sounded interesting. But I had it figured out about halfway to the end. I watched it while playing on the new computer. It was going kinda slow for a long time.... You know like the 6th Sense. When I think of thrillers I think of the 6th sense. The first half is really slow then BAM!!!! Stuff starts happening. You see dead people. It builds and then You say..."Ahhhhhhh! I get it."
This movie is slow for like forever and then Bam!!!! Stuff kinda happens and then it's over. Yeah... exactly like that. Well kinda. It is very "Artsy" with glossy shots of odd things thrown together with choppy scenes accompanied by emotional music. It seems a little disjointed, but The final chapter of the film ties everything up nicely with a pretty pink bow.
Interesting look at things though.
Review Over.