Jul 14, 2009 07:42
I usually make some kind of entry at least once a day. I somehow have gotten out of the habit of doing so. Alright, I know how... but know that I am trying to get back into filling you all in on EVERYTHING!!!
1.) yesterday... I'm minding my own business... And I get a ranting phone call from Krazy Kay. She is Livid. Seems someone actually had the gall to say she was moving to Michigan. She believes it's Al the Dumbass Landscaper that is spreading these rumors. And he must have gotten them from me, but she won't openly accuse me. So she finally asks...
"Have you talked to Al lately?"
"When was the last time you talked to him?"
"Kay. The communication I had with Al was in February when I informed him that I would no longer need his services... and it was written on the bill I sent him in the mail."
"Oh. Then he must have heard it from Lyon or that woman that lives next to you (Holly)."
"Well, Kay. I have no idea. I'm too busy over here minding my own business."
"Well that's what these people need to do... mind their own business. It's none of their business If I want to sell my house!"
"Yeah! It's not like what happens in your home sale doesn't effect the value of their homes..." (is what I said on the inside)
What I actually said was - "Kay... You put a sign in your yard... people are gonna talk. It's what they do. You can't stop them... as much as you would like too... It happens."
"Well, I'm gonna find out who saying this stuff."
"OK. Do I need to start saving some Bail money?"
So I hang up.
I scratch my head and all I could think of was "Bless her Heart".
next post of catch up....