Apr 13, 2009 15:00
More of the follow up stuff... Taryn's wedding stuff taken care of. I still have to figure out how to do something for Tor's baby gift. I got them matching camping cups from their registry at REI as well as some dog toys from The Herd. I thought they should be involved too since they involved their dog. And i used my dividend check to help pay for it. which is great for me... It's just sitting on my desk at home, so when I get there I can just shred it. One more thing off my Desk!!!
I did get online with my insurance company and update my home's characteristic's file. it looks like my insurance will go up about $6. I'm ok with that. the profile is correct and that's what really matters. I found some disney "Bolt" stickers and I'm sending that to Zoe! So My desks are pretty clear now.
The next big hurtle I have is to get the house refinanced. And then I should be on my way to a better financial plan.
I'm hoping the lights don't go out again tonight. I think I will be sneaking fish over to Lyon's tank... Shhhhhh.
He'll never know. He's out of town. heck he wouldn't know even if he was home.
Not sure how this big fish tank downsizing is going to go... but I hope much better than I'm experiencing here at the panty factory.