The Derby was Fun as it always is. Though it was marred, as you probably know, by some tragedy.
I personally didn't see it, but I could hear the collective gasps and then the silence. I didn't know what happened until Lisa Called to tell me. She knew that those in the infield probably didn't see it... And she was right. I am glad I didn't see it and I hope to miss all images of it in the future.
I had fun though. I did win $6.80 which brought my losses to -$33.20. Not bad. I used to lose worse, but my new system has been quite handy in reducing the loss from $150 - $200 down to the most possible of $40.
Thursday we did the parade and of course Partied at the St. Paul's Catholic church. I picked up a Butt-Load of Coke caps at the parade! Best part. Though the celebrities were pretty happy to see the Woo Hoo girl (me).
Friday was Caching Day and Sushi. Went to Indiana but I didn't get a cache there. Now I know. I will next year. The cachin' was sparse due to the thunderstorms. Kim didn't want ot get the Big Sexy (that's what we call her hair) wet. It's named Big Sexy during the day and Little Billy when she gets up in the morning. Don't ask me, I don't know. We just do. Then Dinner at the world famous
Mike Linnigs Fish Camp. It's tradition. I did make a huge mistake though. I had the "Terry TurdBALL Machine" song stuck in my head and Terry hates it. Absolutely hates it. I couldn't get it out of my head. It is a catchy little tune and it was ear-worm stuck. She had a fit and went home. Big baby. Needs to just suck it up and laugh at it. She would have more fun that way. We then went back to house and played UNO till late. I won. I didn't even know how to play and I never won a hand. I'm A WiNNER!!!!
Saturday was the derby. I didn't drink anything alcoholic. I had 2 Sierra Mists, a personal pan pizza and Breadsticks. Now here is the ick of the day. When I finished my breadsticks I put the container of unused marinara sauce under my chair - so no one would step on it. As we go to leave I am heading out, but I get stopped by someone to say goodbye. Somebody else walks by and steps on the container and shoots me in the leg with all that marinara sauce! Not a pretty sight. I almost made it all the way through the day without an ugly incident... but it was just not meant to be. I was able to clean it up and not look like I'd slit my leg open.
2 hours it took to get out of the infield... that includes the 45 minutes we stood in line at the windows and then the 75 minutes we spent getting out through the tunnel. There has got to be a better way.
Sunday I spent 2 hours trying to find PostCards and get out of town. Hit 11 caches on the way home. I'm sure I hit more, but I wasn't keeping good track of where I had been till later in the trip. Stopped in dalton for Pie and Coffee and to visit with Lisa on her birthday. And then home by 7:14pm. Long - Ass day That's for sure.
I can't wait till next year.