Apr 23, 2007 08:38
I had my Lip waxed by someone she told me to go to. And they aren't licensed and untrained.
And now I have little bumps on my lips. Cause the swelling's down now.
When I told her what happened, Her Response was..."You should have come to me first."
Thing is, I did.
So then she says..."Why would you go there, they aren't even licensed to do that there?"
I replied, "You told me to."
Well...."I wouldn't have hurt you like that."
"That is why I came to you. Because you being a professional, makes you the expert. And because the expert told me to go there...I DID!!!"
"Well, You should have come to me first. What are you trying to do ...Make me feel bad?"
Her inability to say, "I'm so sorry, I thought you were kidding. Do such and such to help the blisters." Has blown this out of proportions.
To make matters worse she has been picking at me for a couple of days. Then she hung up on me when I called her out on a lie.
Good thing is, my garage won't get all messed up where she rearranges everything when she works out.
aggravating stuff