Accidents Happen [OPEN]

Apr 09, 2009 00:42

"Oh, come on!"

Sometimes, the trials and tribulations of Gotham are just as mundane as those in any other big city. Traffic jams. Garbage strikes. A truck full of barrels of God only knows what kind of industrial waste, overturned in Midtown, on 18th Street near East City Park. Sucks to be someone who drives to and from work, doesn't it? Hell ( Read more... )

scratch9, hopeyrhappytoo, [open], i_own_this, try_tolie, afromp, goshdarnniteowl, beautyinbroken

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beautyinbroken April 9 2009, 07:58:02 UTC
Maybe she's nosey. Maybe it's slightly amusing to see people cooped up in their cars (or outright abandoning them - wonder if they'll still be there in a hour?), ranting and raging at...other people who are also stuck.

Oh, Gotham. Livvie loves you so, except when she doesn't and would like to chuck the lot of you into the ocean.

So she's peeking into cars, grinning at kids and shrugging at irate adults and...oh hey, it's a Dan! Have a waving Livvie, Dan!


goshdarnniteowl April 9 2009, 08:03:43 UTC
You know, let's be perfectly honest here. With the way Dan's month has been, and the fact that he only met Livvie once?

He has no idea who this girl waving at him is.

But, hey, okay. He can smile and wave back.


beautyinbroken April 9 2009, 08:06:22 UTC
Well Livvie remembers you. Granted, she's never before or since made anyone turn quite that shade of red so that might help (or hurt) things.

Poor Dan.

She stops and motions that he roll down the window. All the intermittent honking and yelling? There's no way she can be heard over all that and through a window.


goshdarnniteowl April 9 2009, 08:24:12 UTC
Vaguely familiar teenage girl is gesturing for him to roll his window down! Well, okay...

He does this, in fact. There's jazz playing on the Scion's stereo.

"Can I help you?"


beautyinbroken April 9 2009, 08:27:52 UTC
Jazz is awesome! Better than country, anyway, and now Livvie's wondering if he actually doesn't remember her or if he's just being...cold for some reason.

Hoping for the former.

"Do you need to call work or something, tell them about all this?" It's early still so he could have, presumably, been commuting. And hey! Livvie likes helping out people she kind of sort of knows. She's not going to re-introduce herself like some old ex-girlfriend or something, that just seems a bit much. "You can use my cell."


goshdarnniteowl April 9 2009, 17:42:07 UTC
"Huh?" Well, that's unexpected. But sort of nice. "Um, I, uh, think I'm okay, thanks." Smile? "I don't have to be at work 'til noon."


beautyinbroken April 9 2009, 21:00:58 UTC
Livvie is unexpected but nice. Unfortunately most people just haven't grasped onto this idea very well. "Oh, well. You're lucky then!" Have a grin at that suggestion of a smile. "Other than freak traffic accidents, how's life?"


goshdarnniteowl April 9 2009, 21:35:50 UTC
"It's... okay?" That's a darn lie, that is. But he still hasn't recognised her, and anyway, he really doesn'y talk about work, or his private life, with people he doesn't know decently well.


beautyinbroken April 9 2009, 21:51:13 UTC
Livvie tilts her head. It sounds unsure at the very least and now she's thinking that conversations in person or online are going to be awkward forever and ever amen. "O-kay. You don't remember me, do you?"


goshdarnniteowl April 9 2009, 22:07:49 UTC
Oh God, it's someone he's forgotten. He hates it when this happens. "Um. No. Sorry."


beautyinbroken April 9 2009, 22:10:54 UTC
"No worries." Livvie could potentially be very mean and cut off the conversation there, and save both of them from ever having to talk to each other again but....eeehn. She's not really that mean. Ever. "Livvie." Handshake?


goshdarnniteowl April 9 2009, 22:36:46 UTC
"Um. Daniel." Dan shakes her hand, a little bemusedly. Okay, yeah, that name does sound famili -- OH WAIT.

He manages to keep most of the utter terror* off of his face, at least.

*Note: This may be because it's not so much 'utter terror' as just socially-anxious dread of another incredibly awkward conversation, and maybe a sliver of irrational wondering whether he's being followed.


beautyinbroken April 9 2009, 22:41:17 UTC
One of these days, Livvie thinks, they'll interact without Dan looking all awkward, terrified, and red.

Obviously that isn't going to be today.

She doesn't sigh but she does give Dan an odd little smile. "Well, maybe I'll run into you sometime in the future. Hopefully not in a traffic jam!" Bye, Dan! Livvie's waving and going away now, don't forget to breathe.


goshdarnniteowl April 9 2009, 22:46:31 UTC
Oh, thank the Lord. He thinks. Right?

" Bye..."

Dammit, he screwed up, didn't he.


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