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aaaand done edsidlemirth February 9 2009, 06:01:06 UTC
23:06 Geoffrey "No. You can't be yourself here. You..." Geoffrey sighs and shakes his head. "That's the ~game~, Eddie! You are treated as insane here until you can prove otherwise. No amount of fighting or arguing will do that."
23:12 Eddie "That is not the game. It's what they would have me do in its place. I am not insane."
23:14 Geoffrey "Then it shouldn't be hard to prove." Geoffrey gives his friend a very stern look. Perhaps an 'oh yeah'? look, even.
23:15 Simon, who has been reading on the other side of the wall this entire time, snorts very very quietly.
23:17 Eddie "You don't believe me?"
23:19 Geoffrey "You're giving me reasons to doubt you, Edward." Raise the stakes. Sweeten the game. Get him to play properly.
23:24 Eddie "...." He gives his friend a 'don't make me shank you with this dull crayon' look, which quickly deteriorates into sulking and watching the floor.
23:26 Geoffrey "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to lie to you. You wouldn't want that, right?" He feels bad for hurting Eddie's feelings, but it had to be done. "Is there anything else? I need to get back to my office...after I collect my drawing." Which will be tacked up in said office.
23:28 Eddie "Um... no, that's fine..." He was promised clean clothes, but he's not even going to remind him about it, at this point.
23:30 Eddie "I'll, um... see you later tonight, I guess, for medicine."
23:32 Geoffrey "Alright. If you're sure." Oh, he hasn't forgotten. Mind like a steel trap, Geoffrey's. "Mm. Yes. Later this evening. Just a moment, though. Laundry." He gets up, dusts off, and goes out, closing the cell door. There's a laundry closet on this floor. Won't take long to find the right size.
23:32 Simon doesn't wait for Geoff to be out of earshot. "He's full of shit. You're not here because you're crazy, so acting not-crazy won't get you out anyway."
23:37 Eddie watches Geoffrey go, quietly. He looks over at his window to Simon's cell, but doesn't answer him, either. He puts his crayons and his paper away and sits back down to continue this fantastic sulking.
23:38 Geoffrey fetches a clean set of clothes and comes back to give them to Eddie. He knocks before entering, then offers the clothes up. "I can give you your privacy until next rounds, or send an orderly to take you to the showers. Whichever. And I am not, regardless of some opinions, 'full of shit'."
23:40 Eddie "I didn't say that you were. Thank you, Mr. Warden. I can change quick if I can have the privacy window up." He takes the clothes and shrugs.
23:41 Simon smiles thinly at the window, then hunches his shoulders and goes back to his book.
23:45 Geoffrey "Alright, then. I'll see you in a few hours." He nods, and backs out of the room, closing the door and turning the privacy on to make a white wall of the glass. He then makes a face at Simon through the glass before heading back to his office. The next orderly along will set Eddie's room back to clear.
23:48 Eddie finds a spot in the cell not in direct line with the smaller window, and changes, then up his clothes and puts them in his dresser. While -sulking-
23:54 Simon isn't even trying to watch you, Eddie. Nya. "I think you're just dead-set on getting mad at something every day, not insane."
23:56 Eddie doesn't even want to be watched, so there. "I'm not angry, though..."
23:57 Simon "You were freaking out about chalk, man."
23:57 Eddie "I was really frustrated."
23:58 Simon "I'd be more frustrated about crayons. At least adult artists use chalk."
00:00 Eddie "Chalk is dusty, and it makes that noise, as it scratches the paper..."
00:01 Simon "Crayons leave your hands waxy, and are useless for a hard line."
00:02 Eddie "You can prefer chalk, that's fine. I dislike working with it, and it's frustrating to have so little control over anything."


Re: aaaand done edsidlemirth February 9 2009, 06:01:29 UTC
00:03 Simon nods, folding over a corner to mark his place in his book. He's not that fast a reader. "At least you don't have to wear a mask."
00:04 Eddie "Yeah, it sucks that you have to wear a mask, man.'
00:07 Simon "Bite off one guard's thumb... Wasn't even his whole thumb."
00:09 Eddie "Are you going to try to bite me?"
00:10 Simon He taps the spine of his book on the glass. "Still can't get you."
00:10 Eddie "You were trying to take your mask off. Would you have tried to bite me?"
00:11 Simon "No. I just wanted it off. Makes my neck hurt if I have to wear it and look down."
00:11 Eddie "I bet..."
00:11 Eddie "Harvey?" he raises his voice a little.
00:11 Simon "And the urge to quote that movie is overpowering."
00:12 Harvey is over in his cell, a blanket over his head. He's either asleep, or pretending.
00:13 Eddie "Please don't gouge out my eye, Harvey."
00:14 A sigh issues forth, muffled by the blanket. "I'm not going to gouge out your eye, Eddie." Today.
00:14 Eddie "... Okay, thank you."
00:15 Harvey "Mngh."
00:15 Eddie "Sorry."
00:17 Eddie "Guys..."
00:17 Harvey He sighs again. Blanket over head, man. It's a hint.
00:17 Simon "Yeah?"
00:18 Eddie "I'm sorry that I ruined group therapy."
00:20 Simon "Got us out early, anyway, I think."
00:20 Eddie "Yeah, but..."
00:21 Eddie 's ego meter is way down, and he sure as heck isn't responsible for that. :(
00:21 Simon "It's not like group therapy is going to do anything for us. This is all fake."
00:22 Harvey groans, and turns over on the bunk, covering his ear/hole.
00:24 Eddie "This isn't fake, Simon. We are actually being put in group therapy."
00:25 Simon "If this were real, they'd be grouping up people with similar ~issues~."
00:26 Eddie "We're the high security theatrical crime people. We're alllll subscribed to the same magazine."
00:27 Simon "I'm not theatrical."
00:28 Eddie "Welcome to the club."
00:28 Simon "No, really."
00:29 Eddie "I feel like crap right now."
00:30 Harvey sticks his hand out of the blankets enough to flip the coin, and catch it, and lifts himself enough to look. Sigh. He rolls over on his back "You should try meditation."
00:31 Simon "Me too." Yeah, because you haven't eaten anything but chocolate shakes in weeks, dumbass.
00:31 Eddie "Mr. Warden said that. I suck at it." Yes, gentlemen, he said that he sucks at something. He is at -critical levels- of low ego meter, here. It's an emergency, clearly.
00:32 Harvey "Yoga?"
00:33 Eddie "I haven't done yoga. It's kinda... not my thing, I don't know."
00:33 Eddie "I don't buy into that stuff, really."
00:34 Harvey "I don't either, really. But it..." He gestures up at the ceiling with his coin-hand. "It's good exercise, anyway. I was surprised."
00:36 Eddie "It would kind of make me look dumb... or, whatever, yeah, it's probably a good idea."
00:36 Simon "I wish we had that garden."
00:38 Harvey "I've been asking about it for... four months, now. Five?" Oh, God. That long. "Eddie could ask Warden about it."
00:39 Eddie "He thinks I'm crazy..."
00:39 Harvey "Then prove him wrong." The blanket's starting to look good again.
00:42 Eddie "Why doesn't he ~know~?"
00:44 Simon "Because you freak out over chalk. It doesn't matter what your reasoning is, it -looks- crazy."
00:44 Harvey "Because you've spent the last God-only-knows-how-many hours yelling about -chalk.- And before you say anything I -know- it's not about the chalk, but it still looks bad."
00:45 Simon glances across the hall at Harvey, with a half-smile.
00:46 Eddie "Everything here is -designed- to make me look bad!"
00:46 Simon huffs a laugh.
00:49 Harvey just looks tired, and sort of annoyed at the world. And Eddie. He rolls back over, and pulls the blanket back over his head.
00:49 Eddie winces.
00:50 Eddie "Yeah, okay, fine, sorry for being -obnoxious-, Harvey."
00:50 Simon "Everything here is -designed- to look like an asylum. So yeah, maybe they're ~trying~ to make you look crazy."
00:50 Harvey grunts. And that's all he has to say about that.


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