(no subject)

Feb 08, 2009 23:03

18:01 Eddie had a chat with Dr. Drake some short amount of time after the ill-fated
group therapy session, but is not having, as they say, a good day. He's just stopped ranting.
18:03 Geoffrey watched everything Eddie did for a long while. He saw when Dr. Drake
came around and knew that Eddie was back to being alone in his cell again. When he finally
felt they were both calm enough, Geoffrey came down to talk with his friend himself.
18:04 Eddie kept drawing after Dr. Drake left, patterns in his notebook.
18:16 Eddie ((I posted the rest of the scene with Dr. Drake on lj)
18:22 Eddie is -still- drawing, not very interested in talking to his hallway
neighbors or any orderlies who walk by.
18:26 Geoffrey "I, for one, like the patterns. The lizards particularly." He wishes
he could have heard what was said when Dr. Drake was there. He'll need to put microphones in.
18:27 Eddie looks up at Geoffrey and smirks, slightly. "Why, are you the Lizard
18:28 Geoffrey "Mmmm." He laughs. "Sometimes." Eddie makes him laugh too easily. This
was going to be such a serious talking to.
18:29 Geoffrey "You really should try to be cooperative around the doctors, you
18:30 Eddie puts his crayons back into the box, in order, shuts the box, and tilts
his head. "I understand that, Mr. Warden, but I made a reasonable request and was met with
arbitrary refusal."
18:34 Geoffrey sighs and opens the door to Eddie's cell, letting himself inside to
sit next to his friend. "Well, people are jerks."
18:37 Eddie is hesitant to say anything. The guards aren't here, but the other
patients could hear, and he doesn't want to talk to them right now.
18:38 Eddie gives Geoffrey a 'duh people are jerks' sort of expression, and sighs.
18:49 Geoffrey "I don't like chalk either."
18:50 Eddie "It's on my clothes."
19:04 Eddie maybe has a little dust on his clothes. Who can tell? -He- can, but,
ah... yeah. Chalk is the devil, apparently.
19:16 Geoffrey "I'm sorry. I'll get you a clean uniform. I think it's very important
that you learn not to get so angry, though. Have you tried meditation?"
19:21 Eddie "I wanted to participate. I made a request so I could participate. She made
this into an issue, and I attempted to participate, despite this. I really don't see how I'm
at fault for getting frustrated with the situation."
22:09 Geoffrey "I'll talk with Dr. Drake and the other therapists, but you need to
keep your head. Even when they seem to be complete idiots. Okay?"
22:14 Eddie "Right, so next time she's being unreasonable, I'm being made to deal with
stuff that's unreasonable, Harvey's threatening to gouge out my eye and Simon is trying to
take off his bite mask, I should... not take any action to speak up for or defend myself?
22:16 Eddie has a crazy, Geoffrey, sorry.
22:18 Geoffrey "Did it fix anything?" He tilts his head with a patronizing smile.
"This game is a complicated one. You need different tactics."
22:20 Eddie "God damn it, man, I'm in a mental institution where I have to beg for
crayons. What the hell am I going to fix?"
22:31 Eddie doesn't seem to resent being patronized, at the moment. He can't say he
wouldn't be, if their roles were reversed. And it'd be great to run the zoo. He'll just look a
little jealous.
22:33 Geoffrey "Nothing. That's just it. You have to realize what you have the
capacity to ~do~ and what you ~don't. You can't change how the therapists and staff operate.
What you can do, is make it worse for yourself or ~not~." It is nice to run the show, even if
you've made yourself a prisoner of said-same show.
22:40 Eddie "You want me to accept being on the bottom rung. I... yeah, okay, whatever, I lose at group therapy and there is obviously something going on if I can't deal with chalk.
22:51 Geoffrey "Yes, well, chalk is messy and the doctor is now aware of the aversion." If she makes Eddie put up with that mess again, Geoffrey will be very displeased. He sympathetically begins dusting off his own sleeves, though there's nothing there. "I'm sure you can move up the ladder, in so far as it's possible, but you're going about it all wrong."
23:00 Eddie "I'm not -bad with people-! I'm not mean, I'm not violent, I'm not... -delusional-. It isn't supposed to go like this, but I can't stand it here. I can't be -me- here. I have to be either a good patient in orange pajamas, or a bad patient in orange pajamas. I have to let everyone treat me as if I'm crazy."

arkham_warden, myownluck, [arkham], edsidlemirth, onlynothuman

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