Breakfast: Continued.

Jun 30, 2009 00:29

10:53 PM myownluck: Harvey doesn't look any happier outside the door than he did inside. "That went well."
10:56 PM edsidlemirth: Eddie stares ahead, at this lovely Gotham scenery. "I don't really care for getting a similar reception to what he got. I asked ahead..."
10:59 PM myownluck: "I know." He scrubs at the side of his face. Dammit. He got up ten minutes ago. This is not a good way to start the day. "I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting that either."
11:00 PM edsidlemirth: "God damn it. I can never tell how Judah's going to react. He's fickle and it bothers me."
He glances over at Harvey. "We can go back to my warehouse. I'll buy you breakfast."
11:08 PM myownluck: Harvey shrugs. He doesn't want to get into talking about Judah, especially with Eddie, especially right now. "I can pay."
11:10 PM edsidlemirth: "Nah, let me get it." He walks toward his car, parked a short distance away. "I thought we were doing well, you know?"
11:38 PM myownluck: "Yeah." Sigh. "I don't know. Give him some time." (Because that's going to fix -everything.-) Harvey waits for Eddie to unlock the car, looking around.
11:39 PM edsidlemirth: Eddie hits a button, opens the car door, and scoots on inside. "Yeah, I guess so. He doesn't do this to you, usually, though, right?"
11:53 PM myownluck: Harvey tosses his backpack in the back seat, and climbs in. "No. We argue, but -" He shakes his head. "Not like that. I don't know." What could he have done to... oh. -That? No. (Why -not?-)
12:01 AM edsidlemirth: "Not like that, except when you guys just did." He waits for Harvey to shut the door and get buckled up, then takes off. "I didn't... do anything wrong, there."
12:13 AM myownluck: "No." He sounds distant. Trying to think through what he might have done, whether it had been -- last night? That? "You didn't. I might have."
12:14 AM edsidlemirth: "Okay, but not asking if someone can come over, when they're not doing so well? Not that huge a deal. It's not like I'm the Joker, here, so what else might you have done?"
12:29 AM myownluck: 'I let the Joker stay' doesn't even occur to him, for the second time in a row. Like it's as easy as just choosing an answer to give. Like, if he'd been able to do that, that the Joker would have just gone. That eliminated, that just leaves -- "Something really stupid. Apparently."
12:31 AM edsidlemirth: "Stupid enough that it'd get you killed in a death trap?" Unfortunately, now he wants to figure this one out. 'Letting the Joker stay' doesn't really occur to him, either, because it was the Joker's fault for being there. Insisting that he leave was just going to make things get stupid faster.
12:40 AM myownluck: "Maybe." Yes and no. (Flip for it.) He has the coin in hand, and does. Clean side up. He sighs, and leans his head against Eddie's headrest. "I kissed him."
12:41 AM edsidlemirth: Both eyebrows go up, but he keeps his eye on the road. "No kidding. That pissed him off?"
12:46 AM myownluck: Thank you, Eddie, thank you for not saying any of the many things Harvey knows you could have, "Not at the time. But he might have been humouring me."
12:49 AM edsidlemirth: "It's possible, or he's just crabby this morning. You'll have a chance to talk that over with him a little later, yeah?" Nah, he'll be good. He's heading for some drive-thru coffee place to grab passibly good breakfast.
1:03 AM myownluck: "Yeah. Maybe." If he's lucky. (Or unlucky.)
1:05 AM edsidlemirth: He orders them something, as quickly as possible, not wanting to risk Harvey getting stared at, or something silly like that. A short while later, and he's pulling off the road again, just to sit in some random parking lot, without word.
1:12 AM Harvey doesn't want much for breakfast. Large coffee, and some token baked good. He isn't really that hungry. When Eddie pulls into the parking lot, he sits and drinks his coffee, and doesn't initiate conversation.
1:13 AM edsidlemirth: Eddie is more interested in staring at the steering wheel than conversation right this moment, anyway. And several more moments. This might explain why he was late, before.
1:25 AM It takes a moment or so for Harvey to notice, in the back seat and absorbed in his own troubles. But he does. "Hey."
1:29 AM edsidlemirth: He holds up a hand, and shuts his eyes for a few seconds, then looks up, and starts the car up again. "Excuse me," he says. "Or maybe he isn't sure what to think about it." Moving on! Like that didn't just happen... "What do you think about it?"
1:42 AM myownluck: But it did happen. He can't say anything about it, or tell him to go to a doctor, but that doesn't make it go away. "I don't know. If I knew, it wouldn't be a problem."
1:46 AM edsidlemirth: But dealing with this is an excellent distraction from the medical problms and what happened the day before. He's sticking with this. "You know it's not actually a big deal, right?"
1:48 AM myownluck: Sure. Not actually a big deal. And Harvey's got a little scratch on his face. "Easy for you to say."
1:49 AM edsidlemirth: "Well... yeah? Why not?"
6:34 PM "I I don't know," he says again. He almost wants to flip for it. As little sense as that would make.
6:40 PM "All right. Why did you kiss him?"
6:46 PM myownluck: "I wanted to." It's like therapy. Questions and questions and questions. "I... God, I don't know. I just did."
6:47 PM edsidlemirth: "Cool. You've never done that before, huh?"
6:49 PM myownluck: "With Judah, or in general?" A beat. "'Cool'?"
6:50 PM edsidlemirth: "Yeah, I said 'cool'. Do you want me to flip out at you or crack up or something?"
6:56 PM myownluck: "It's a little flippant." He shakes his head. "Nevermind. Thanks for not."
6:57 PM edsidlemirth: "I don't mean to sound flippant, I'm just trying to impart to you that it is not a big deal. Human beings tend to do things like that. Do you seriously think I'd flip out about that?"
7:22 PM myownluck: "I didn't say I thought you would." He drinks his now-just-warm coffee, and tears off a chunk of bagel. "'Human beings' is a little different than it happening to you personally."
7:23 PM edsidlemirth: "Nooot really. You want to be exempt from the human condition?" He almost sounds cheerful at that, but not quite. He's still in a pretty bad mood.
7:27 PM "All right, look. I can tell you whatever you want to hear about it being all right to kiss a man, but I am seriously the last person to talk to about being close to another person and whether any particular action is fair or not. I got my best friend arrested. That's a little more awkward."
7:37 PM myownluck: "Which begs the question of why you want to talk about it so much." He doesn't snap, or sneer. He sounds more tired than anything. He also doesn't eat any of his rapidly fragmenting bagel.
7:38 PM edsidlemirth: "The longer we talk about this, the less we're talking about me shooting the Joker in the face, pretty much." He reacts like Harvey snapped, shoulders slumping. He turns into the small, empty parking lot next to his latest hideout.
7:59 PM myownluck: "That doesn't mean it didn't happen," he says, quietly. (Just to state the obvious.) "How did you get away, anyway?"
8:04 PM edsidlemirth: He scowls. "I'd figured out how his cuffs work, previously. He left me there to take the Joker to the hospital."
8:07 PM myownluck: "...the hospital?" But that might mean -- "He was still -alive?-"
8:08 PM There's something in his voice, there, that against all reason, might be hope.
8:09 PM edsidlemirth: Eddie looks over at him, confused and skeptical, then hops out of the car. "Yeah, he was still alive. You rooting for the guy?"
8:15 PM myownluck: A shake of the head. "I want him dead. But -- he's part of this city. He dies..." He looks around, and follows Eddie out of the car. "It's like losing a side of a coin. To use the obvious comparison."
8:17 PM edsidlemirth: "The rest of us are still here. I'd still be here." And that's pretty much all that matters, right? "Gawd, I wish he'd died on the spot.. but... at least that means I haven't killed anyone."
8:21 PM myownluck: "It's not the same. We're... hm." He considers how it fits to the system. "We're shades of grey. Or black and white. He's as far as you can get." He nods to Eddie, at the dubious silver lining. "And you've still put him out of business for a while." (Which means there's still a vacuum, just not a permanent one.)
8:23 PM edsidlemirth: "The only correct answer to the problem he presents is to kill him. He should not be left alive... That's really all I have to say. I feel terrible. I felt better, in the moment, but that's..." His voice trails off, and he shuts the car door, heading for the warehouse, with his coffee.
8:33 PM myownluck: Harvey follows, with his own coffee and what's left of his bagel. Still not hungry. "About shooting him?"
8:35 PM edsidlemirth: Eddie sips his coffee as he walks toward the warehouse. "Yes. I felt right, and on top of everything, again. I keep messing this stuff up, it's ridiculous."
8:53 PM myownluck: "Sounds to me like you've just still got a conscience." He walks more quickly than Eddie, swiftly overtaking him and continuing on to shelter, and away from prying eyes.
8:59 PM edsidlemirth: "How is it a conscience to feel like you did the right thing by shooting a guy in the face? Even if he is... really wrong to have around?" The door clicks unlocked, on its own, as they near it. Neat trick, huh?
9:00 PM "Make sure you turn the knob to the right forty-five degrees before you open that door, Harvey."
9:01 PM myownluck: "You still feel terrible about it now, right?" He looks up at the door, visibly impressed by the proximity activation. "Got it." Forty-five degrees right. There.
9:02 PM edsidlemirth: Great! The door doesn't electrocute him when he enters. It only buzzes a little, faintly. It's air conditioned in here.
9:03 PM "Yeah, I know what you're saying, but... yeah, maybe."
9:06 PM myownluck: He smiles weirdly, and sort of self-conscious, as he steps inside. "It's more than I could say."
9:09 PM edsidlemirth: Eddie follows him, and shuts the door. The warehouse is clean but largely empty. He heads for the office, which is clean and not empty. There are several chairs in here, a desk, and a comfortable couch. He hangs his hat and jacket on a peg inside the door, and flops down onto the end of the couch. "Pff. Like it'd stop me from doing it again."
9:15 PM myownluck: Harvey sets his backpack by the door and sits on the other end of the couch, setting the damn bagel on the arm. He really should just give up and throw that thing out. "It wouldn't?"
9:17 PM edsidlemirth: "It was necessary." More coffee. He shuts his eyes and seems to enjoy it. "I'm really not doing well."
9:21 PM myownluck: Harvey makes a worried little noise, and doesn't drink his. "Worse than you were?"
9:23 PM edsidlemirth: "I'm having trouble keeping track of everything," he says, quietly.
9:29 PM myownluck: "How much trouble?" Quiet, concerned. Not saying 'go to a doctor.'
9:37 PM edsidlemirth: He throws up his free hand, frustrated. He's not supposed to be having any trouble.
9:45 PM myownluck: Harvey sighs and drinks his coffee. Okay. Fine. "Sorry."
9:46 PM edsidlemirth: He huddles into the couch and holds his coffee. He will not be upset in front of Harvey. He will not be upset in front of Harvey.
10:17 PM myownluck: Harvey, for his part, doesn't say anything else. Nothing to make it worse, but nothing to distract, either.
10:20 PM edsidlemirth: Eddie bows his head, hand going to his forehead.
10:30 PM myownluck: Harvey keeps quiet, not looking over his way. He doesn't know what he could say, the only sane suggestion eliminated by fickle chance.
10:34 PM edsidlemirth: Eddie sets his coffee down on the end table by the couch, then sits up, pale. "This is not who I am." Which is to say, it's a far cry from the idea of himself he's built up and so invested in. He sounds mournful.
10:39 PM myownluck: "I'm sorry." Quietly. "I wish I could do something." And he wishes he was able to.
10:52 PM edsidlemirth: "Okay, so... okay, if something happens to me, Harvey..."
11:09 PM myownluck: He wants to protest. He doesn't. 'That won't happen' would just be deluded. There's something wrong, and even if this particular chapter ends the best way it could, the life they live is still a risky one. "If something happens to you..."
11:12 PM edsidlemirth: "You should take over this location. The door won't open automatically without my cane, but I'll give you a key, and you know how to open the door safely. I can make sure you get emailed information on what's in here if I don't check in for a day."
11:26 PM myownluck: It's a generous offer. Especially since he's apparently without a hideout again. "Are you sure?"
11:28 PM edsidlemirth: "Yeah. I put a lot of work into the traps in here."
11:33 PM myownluck: Harvey nods. "Is there anything you'd want me to do with it?"
11:34 PM edsidlemirth: "Nah, whatever you'd do with it."
11:45 PM myownluck: "Alright. I can do that." A wry look. "And I'll try not to lose this one."
11:46 PM edsidlemirth: "... heh, ok." He almost smirks. "Don't lose this one, yeah."
11:52 PM myownluck: A little smile. "No parties."
11:54 PM edsidlemirth: Eddie swats at his shoulder.
11:56 PM myownluck: Harvey laughs, and leans over to (gently) thwapt him back.
11:58 PM edsidlemirth: He laughs, too, after he fails to duck out of the way.
12:09 AM myownluck: That's much better. He grins. "I want to see these traps. Do I get to?"
How's that for a distraction that makes neither of them uncomfortable?
12:15 AM edsidlemirth: "Sure! I'll show you what I have so far." Yeah, that makes him happy, see?
12:17 AM myownluck: "Great." Just let him finish up his coffee. The bagel... not so much. Oh well.
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