
Jun 19, 2009 00:31

The day after Batman delivered him to the Gotham PD, it was a big, bold news headline.

Vigilante Unmasked: 'Rorschach' now in GPD custody

They printed his photo and his name 'Walter Kovacs'. They reported that his mother was a prostitute with multiple convictions and his father was 'unknown'. The article put forth theories for what drove the man to don a costume and attack Gotham's criminals. They suspected it may have been growing up within the narrows with a criminal mother, or an excuse to act on the same violent tendencies that landed him in a school for juvenile offenders as a child, or even some manner of Napoleonic complex over his surprisingly small stature. The media took him apart and Rorschach read it all from his jail cell. Reports continued, though they moved from being a main story to a small local piece.

Rorschach --Walter-- had no money for bail. He hadn't worked a proper job or done anything but collect unemployment and patrol the streets since he lost his job at Arkham. He didn't use his one call. He didn't ask to speak to a lawyer. He went into holding, confessed to what he was asked to and more (though denied that they were crimes), and patiently awaited his transport to Black Gate Prison.

They gave him a cell to himself, to protect him as much as they were able. Murder by fellow inmates seemed inevitable. They offered him the chance to plead insanity and he refused. He knew he wasn't insane. He was one of the only sane men left in the city.
It took more work, but they pushed to have him given proper psychiatric evaluation. If they could, they would have him locked in Arkham. At least there, he would be less likely to die by the hands of those he'd helped put away or those looking to make a point to the vigilantes still free in the city. It would take time, but waiting on a trial would take longer. Walter wasn't helping. He seemed satisfied to take his chances in prison. He certainly seemed unafraid.

It's been weeks. Walter has gotten used to the daily patterns of prison life. He's been attacked in the cafeteria. He took care of it and spent a week in 'the hole' for his actions. The attacker is still in the infirmary and Walter has been left alone for a while. He knows it won't last. He knows the prison staff don't want him here any more than the prisoners. He's a liability. They'll find a way to solve the problem eventually. One way or another. All he can do is wait.

goshdarnniteowl, holyrorschach

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