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edsidlemirth May 27 2009, 16:45:31 UTC
23:05 ANiceGoya does he have bail set yet?
23:06 Eddie I'm trying to figure that out
23:06 Eddie Naturally, if I can send someone to take care of that, I will.
23:06 ANiceGoya naturally.
23:06 Eddie god
23:06 Eddie these people are such idiots
23:07 ANiceGoya i've known a lot of people like them
23:07 ANiceGoya back at school.
23:07 Eddie Allison is a nice idiot, at least
23:08 Eddie she says she's 'very good at chess'. We'll see.
23:08 ANiceGoya ha.
23:09 Eddie and my mental image of Apostle is a large, snappy dog that's gotten hit on the head one too many times.
23:10 ANiceGoya he has a worldview, i think
23:10 ANiceGoya and things do not fit in it
23:10 ANiceGoya so he tries to make them
23:10 Eddie he tries to get away with treating me like I'm less intelligent than he is.
23:10 Eddie Half of what those two type doesn't even parse
23:11 ANiceGoya which is fucking laughable.
23:11 Eddie yes
23:11 Eddie see, I can tell you're clever
23:11 Eddie I haven't seen how clever, but at least you make sense
23:11 ANiceGoya don't go spreading that around, okay? i have a reputation to uphold.
23:12 Eddie don't worry
23:13 Eddie how bad do you let your apartment get?
23:15 ANiceGoya depends on how busy i am. pretty bad, if i don't have time. its been worse than it is right now, but it's been a lot better. i did dishes?
23:15 Eddie but does it bother you?
23:16 ANiceGoya not really.
23:16 Eddie what's that like?
23:17 ANiceGoya not being bothered?
23:17 Eddie yeah
23:18 ANiceGoya i don't have much to compare it to. i never really gave a fuck about the stuff my parents or classmates did. life's too short for worrying about little shit.
23:19 Eddie good for you
23:20 ANiceGoya probably not very helpful. sorry.
23:21 Eddie no, I'm not being sarcastic
23:21 Eddie I can't stand it
23:21 Eddie but if we're going to work together, I have to figure it out.
23:22 ANiceGoya i can accomodate. i'll probably miss shit, but i'll do what i can.
23:23 Eddie I will attempt to not make a list for you.
23:24 ANiceGoya anything you point out, i will correct on the second try. i'll wear a suit next time you're over, for example.
23:25 Eddie You don't have to wear a suit.
23:25 Eddie Unless you want to work out a disguise.
23:26 ANiceGoya give me some more details, and i'll see what there is to work with
23:27 ANiceGoya not necessarily right now.
23:27 Eddie yeah, not right now
23:27 Eddie I'm way too pissed off
23:27 ANiceGoya whenever, yeah.
23:28 Eddie cool
23:40 Eddie this sucks
23:41 ANiceGoya i'm sorry, man.
23:41 Eddie okay, so the people I could call right now
23:41 Eddie are
23:41 Eddie Batman
23:41 Eddie Dan
23:41 Eddie you
23:42 Eddie some nice Italian men
23:42 Eddie oh, I guess I could bother Sofia, but that's really unprofessional.
23:42 Eddie So many people are in custody or gone
23:47 ANiceGoya they'll get out eventually, right? but that doesn't help much right now.
23:47 ANiceGoya i don't think batman would be a very good listener.
23:47 Eddie I don't get angry, man.
23:48 Eddie not since high school, not -really-
23:48 ANiceGoya then there must be a pretty good reason for it, now.
23:53 Eddie If they were going to take down Geoffrey, they shouldn't have done it with a lie.
23:54 Eddie It's underhanded and speaks very poorly for them.
23:57 ANiceGoya yeah.


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