(no subject)

May 27, 2009 00:48

[Apostle] That makes my day positively boring by comparison. You still got a job?
[AgentMothman] I do
[AgentMothman] Also, I can't put in my two weeks now. Yet
[Apostle] Why not?
[AgentMothman] Allison, you'll just have to hurt me
[TytoAlba] If the asylum shut down when high-ranking staff members were arrested...
[Apostle] It'd shut down every year, yeah, got that.
[@Eddie] :P
[AgentMothman] 1) because I cannot leave this and 2) it might look fishy
[AgentMothman] Eddie!
[Allison] Give me a better reason.
[TytoAlba] I've still got less than a week.
[AgentMothman] yes, but was Warden pretty much the only reason you were hired?
[Apostle] What about school?
* Hats is now known as DrGod
[@Eddie] hi, God
[AgentMothman] only summer school. I've had a job and done real school before
[Allison] Give me a better reason.
[Allison] Hello God.
[TytoAlba] For what?
[AgentMothman] for keeping my job
[Apostle] Allison and AgentMothman have an agreement he's trying to breech.
[Apostle] Hey God.
[AgentMothman] and I will tell you, but not in chat
[DrGod] Hello! God is in a merciful mood, I declare this a holiday.
[TytoAlba] Um. Okay.
[Allison] Tell me not in chat, yes.
[Apostle] Don't think about it too hard, TytoAlba. It'll give you a headache.
[TytoAlba] ...sure.
[AgentMothman] Fun times in the land of sick people?
[@Eddie] It's a pretty lame holiday, God. Thanks.
[AgentMothman] Oh god.... I hadn't heard the charges.... wow
[DrGod] It's a great holiday. New bike, new regime, new puzzle. Dent says hi.
[TytoAlba] I have things I need to take care of. Goodnight, everyone.
* TytoAlba has left #beautifulworld
[AgentMothman] nigh..... huh
[@Eddie] Say hi to Harvey
[AgentMothman] I saw he was moved. Is he sick? well... interestingly sick
[DrGod] Necrozing fasciitis. Who in here has touched him in the past six months?
[AgentMothman] ...... In the same room..... skin touching or just clothes?
* TytoAlba is now known as ANiceGoya
[Allison] Dib, any reason you give me is now automatically not good enough.
[ANiceGoya] what what?
[DrGod] d) all of the above
[AgentMothman] damnit
[ANiceGoya] (in the butt?)
[AgentMothman] fuck.
[AgentMothman] Me
[ANiceGoya] will if you insist
[ANiceGoya] well
[AgentMothman] I don't want to be necrotized....
[ANiceGoya] wah wah.
[AgentMothman] shut it pizza mold boy!
[@Eddie] are you serious?
[Allison] How long until you quit?
[DrGod] Then you should come see me before half your face falls off.
[ANiceGoya] i think spider still has some slices in the fridge
[ANiceGoya] you wanna try me?
[@Eddie] omg, if you're fucking with me about facerot
[@Eddie] I'm really not in a good mood
[AgentMothman] I... wow
[AgentMothman] because, I'm rather sure.... wow
[AgentMothman] The last time I was near him was lunch a few days ago
[AgentMothman] I 'escorted' him to a new seat
[Apostle] Why couldn't he go on his own?
[DrGod] Did he have a rash then?
[AgentMothman] he could, it was mostly for show
[AgentMothman] no, he looked find..... for him
[DrGod] Was he coughing at all?
[AgentMothman] no
[Allison] Don't get face rot, please.
[Apostle] I doubt he will.
[ANiceGoya] if you do, can i get pics?
[AgentMothman] If I get to have a choice in the matter
[ANiceGoya] tear it off now, yourself
[AgentMothman] How about this, Pickman. I'll give you face rot, and then you can do a self portrait
[ANiceGoya] its the only way
[ANiceGoya] wicked.
[ANiceGoya] but i already had my rash of the month
[ANiceGoya] so give it a few days
[Apostle] And Dib's already had strep so.
[ANiceGoya] then my queue will be empty
[DrGod] Still on antibiotics?
[AgentMothman] yes
[Allison] If you get face rot and bring it here, I'll defriend you.
[@Eddie] rash of the month club? :P
[AgentMothman] The lunch I saw Dent was the first day I started them
[ANiceGoya] hellz yeah
[DrGod] Now there's an idea for a hospital fundraiser.
[AgentMothman] ffs
[DrGod] Get the other arkham-drone back here. I want to ask him questions.
[ANiceGoya] lol
[AgentMothman] I was at that mold fundraiser
[AgentMothman] have I infected the planet?
[ANiceGoya] brb to watch invation of the body snatchers
[DrGod] Here's hoping.
* Apostle sighs.
[Apostle] Pretty sure you don't have face-rot, skin-rot, or wtf ever Dib
[Apostle] What you have is a low tolerance for cough medicine.
[Apostle] That's it.
[DrGod] Do -you- have a rash
[ANiceGoya] the best affliction ever
[Apostle] Nope.
[AgentMothman] me you or him you?
[Apostle] Just answer.
[DrGod] You you.
[ANiceGoya] not anymore
[AgentMothman] no, no rash
[Allison] No
* AgentMothman will call Dan
[Apostle] You had pizza mold, Pickman.
[Apostle] Different shit.
[ANiceGoya] it had a rash
[@Eddie] what is wrong with you people?
[Apostle] True but how the fuck would Dent have pizza mold?
[Apostle] He's in Arkham
[AgentMothman] ......
[AgentMothman] he was sitting with pizza mold lady
[Apostle] There are a million things wrong with me Eddie. I'm not making a list.
[Allison] Wrong, Eddie?
[AgentMothman] at lunch
[DrGod] Now -that- would be information I should have had yesterday.
[ANiceGoya] has anyone kicked her in the cunt for me yet?
[AgentMothman] that's why I escorted him away, she freaked out at him
* TytoAlba (shaladox@ has joined #beautifulworld
[Apostle] ...oh FUN.
[TytoAlba] ....yes?
[Apostle] Welcome back.
[AgentMothman] well I didn't know you needed it
[AgentMothman] as I was still having a fever
[Allison] How would she get mold into Arkham?
[AgentMothman] she might.... have it?
[Apostle] That's a good question.
[Apostle] ...wouldn't they quarantine her or something?
[DrGod] Your boss just got arrested for sneaking Eddie out to play. Think he does anything right?
[Allison] I think he's stupid.
[@Eddie] now hang on just a moment
[TytoAlba] If she showed symptoms of anything...
[AgentMothman] Our boss was just arrested. I can only guess what.... DrGHod was faster
[Allison] And dangerous.
[DrGod] I need her.
[@Eddie] he had nothing to do with my escape
[TytoAlba] Well, have fun with that.
[AgentMothman] that's not what the papers say....
[@Eddie] the papers have said all kinds of things about me.
[AgentMothman] She's been mostly alone....
[@Eddie] do you
[@Eddie] honestly
[@Eddie] believe
[@Eddie] I would let someone let me out of Arkham?
[TytoAlba] Is there a reason I'm back in here, or do I get to go back to doing my work?
[AgentMothman] DrGod wanted to talk to you....
[DrGod] I was going to ask you how Dent appeared last time you saw him. I'll ask anyway.
[AgentMothman] but I may have.... uhm. Made him happy
[Allison] Eddie: Yes.
[ANiceGoya] uh oh...
[@Eddie] I got myself out of Arkham.
[Allison] Okay.
[TytoAlba] Um. The same as usual. Pretty okay, except for his face.
[@Eddie] The GCPD clearly wants my attention, again.
[Allison] That's obviously important to you right now.
[DrGod] I know. Don't care. Did he have a rash, a fever, was he being given anything off his charts?
[TytoAlba] Not that I noticed, or knew about.
[@Eddie] They couldn't keep up with me, before. Lord knows why they think they can, now.
[AgentMothman] or they just want to have someone who's not your friend running the asylum
[Allison] Not everything is about you.
[@Eddie] They're lying.
[TytoAlba] Listen.
[TytoAlba] If you're the doctor in charge of Mr. Dent's case, you can look up my phone number in personnel files. Ask for Daniel Dreiberg.
* Apostle watches as chat falls silent.
[TytoAlba] I have work I need to do, and I don't need to deal with this.
[DrGod] thank you.
[AgentMothman] sorry, Dan. I didn't want to give out your number
[AgentMothman] randomly
[TytoAlba] I've been absent from my previous assignment to train AgentMothman, but before that, I was stationed in that hall to watch Patient I-44 for several weeks.
[TytoAlba] Now, can I go?
[DrGod] Yes.
[TytoAlba] Thank you.
* TytoAlba (shaladox@ Quit (Exit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/200904251)
[Apostle] Well that was amazing.
[@Eddie] yeah, hi, Dan
[ANiceGoya] dude
[ANiceGoya] what crawled up his ass
[Apostle] Working at Arkham, maybe.
[Apostle] So other than bosses and significant others getting arrested how is everyone?
[ANiceGoya] man, i would work at arkham if it wouldn't get int he way of my other jobs.
[ANiceGoya] i am peachykeen, bitches.
[Allison] Sick and restless.
[AgentMothman] sick
[ANiceGoya] still?
[Apostle] I made cookies and didn't burn a damned thing.
[ANiceGoya] fuck, man. :(
[Apostle] Yeah they've got...two days before it's over, I think.
[AgentMothman] it's strep. it lasts forever
[AgentMothman] but my fever broke, so I'm back at work
[ANiceGoya] tell harley i say hi
[ANiceGoya] if you can tell ehr away from the clown
[AgentMothman] I don't normally interact with patients
[ANiceGoya] well, shit.
[Apostle] Except when the stick the new kid with strep in the middle of the lunch whatever
[ANiceGoya] i can't go and visit her
[Allison] Why not?
[ANiceGoya] because the last time i visited her, the joker spat bood at me and bodyslammed the glass
[ANiceGoya] i think i made him jealous
[Apostle] Fun fun.
[Allison] Oh, I see.
[Allison] Thank you for explaining.
[ANiceGoya] youre welcome.
[Allison] You should go anyway.
[Apostle] Don't they have rooms for that?
[Apostle] Visiting people and all that bs.
[ANiceGoya] I might have kind of sort of paid a guy to bring me to the hall.
[AgentMothman] thet do
[ANiceGoya] fuck, capital letter
[AgentMothman] ah, well
[ANiceGoya] and now he knows my face.
[Allison] It seems like it would be easier to go see her in a room.
[AgentMothman] you are screwed then
[Allison] Dib!
[AgentMothman] yes?
[Allison] When are you quitting?
[AgentMothman] ffs I don't know!
[ANiceGoya] aww, man. you're quitting?
[AgentMothman] apparently
[Allison] Give me a good reason not to.
[ANiceGoya] how about
[ANiceGoya] you aren't him
[@Eddie] Yeah, that's stating to creep me out.
[@Eddie] ((starting))
[ANiceGoya] i can give him a good reason not to
[AgentMothman] I'm learning. I'm learning about how to interact with people. How to think before I speak
[Allison] That's fair.
[ANiceGoya] steady part or full time job with good pay, high potential for making useful connections
[Apostle] It's bad for you to be there and I am mildly amused by the idea of Eddie being creeped out by Allison.
[AgentMothman] You said that, and I still don't get why
[@Eddie] I'm creeped out by you guys pushing him around.
[ANiceGoya] gotham, dude
[@Eddie] Yeah, haha, because I'm so creepy?
[Allison] I'm not pushing him around.
[Apostle] Ah, okay.
[ANiceGoya] if we wanted good for you to be here
* Apostle rolls his eyes.
[ANiceGoya] we wouldn't
[Apostle] Anyway
[ANiceGoya] its a little weird
[ANiceGoya] spooky, dude
[ANiceGoya] you don't have to do anything you don't want to, you know that, right?
[Allison] I am weird. And strange. And offputting. And overprotective. I have good reasons, and they aren't your business.
[ANiceGoya] and his business
[ANiceGoya] isn't your business
[ANiceGoya] or mine
[ANiceGoya] really
[Apostle] And yet here we are.
[ANiceGoya] but i've seen too many manipulative, controlling sons of bitches ruin too many peoples' lives
[Apostle] We're his friend and you're his friend too and apparently we are not seeing eye to eye on the idea of him working at that hellhole
[Allison] Yes. So have I.
[Apostle] Allison is very blunt.
[Apostle] She always will be
[Apostle] That's the way she is.
[Allison] Well. One manipulative and controlling person.
[Allison] Yes, that's the way I am.
[Apostle] She's not manipulative. She's not controlling. She's direct. Any suggestions towards that, annoys the living fuck out of me.
[ANiceGoya] when you look in the mirror
[ANiceGoya] ?
[Allison] No.
[Allison] I have a plate in my head to fix that.
[ANiceGoya] i don't really have anything to say here. which is kind of a first.
[Apostle] Good.
[@Eddie] actually, I think you creep me out more than she does. Allison's pretty nice.
[Allison] I don't mean to be manipulative. He's my friend, and Arkham is bad.
[Allison] I am very nice.
[Apostle] You being?
[@Eddie] yoooou
[ANiceGoya] sometimes people make bad choices. they learn from them
[Apostle] Awesome.
[ANiceGoya] or make choices you think are bad but make them happy
[Allison] Yes.
[Allison] Sometimes they are bad and hurt them and make people crazy.
[ANiceGoya] i'm sure my dad would have a lot to say about that.
[Allison] I said his reasons were fair, though.
[AgentMothman] you did
[ANiceGoya] yeah.
[ANiceGoya] they do that, too.
[AgentMothman] I just really didn't want to talk about them here
[Apostle] That's fine.
[Allison] Since his reasons are fair, I will respect them and stop asking.
[ANiceGoya] no secrets from the internet collective, wooo.
[ANiceGoya] cool
[Allison] I don't think that's manipulative.
[ANiceGoya] i've just had a bad time with some people.
[ANiceGoya] no.
[Allison] Why does John creep you out?
[Allison] I have too.
[Allison] I could show you, maybe. I don't know.
[Apostle] Pretty sure all of us have wonderful, horrific stories of our bad times with some people.
[Apostle] Oh, you said you would when we stopped being sick.
[ANiceGoya] i did, didn't i?
[Allison] Oh, yes.
[ANiceGoya] wicked.
[ANiceGoya] we can share horrible fucker stories.
[AgentMothman] really? *fun*
[Allison] Yes. Okay.
[Allison] That's fair.
[Apostle] Dude Pickman how old are you?
[Apostle] Out of curiosity.
[ANiceGoya] 22. why?
[Apostle] Because horrible fucker stories at this point require alcohol, I think.
[ANiceGoya] fuck, dude.
[Apostle] Well it depends on if Allison wants any.
[Allison] Yes.
[Allison] I will.
[AgentMothman] DrGod is going to start shaking his cane at us again
[Apostle] Ahah why?
[ANiceGoya] you say that like i give a fuck about a) age or b) legality of substances
[Apostle] I do. It's my house.
[Allison] And sugar.
[ANiceGoya] awww.
[ANiceGoya] how sweet
[AgentMothman] because we're all damn kids.
[AgentMothman] and he's old
[Allison] You can't drink, Dib.
[ANiceGoya] i won't bring any of the goodies i could goodie, then
[Allison] Sorry.
[AgentMothman] and screw you with you're 'now you can legally drown your sorrows"
[ANiceGoya] well
[ANiceGoya] once we're outside his door
[ANiceGoya] oops now he knows
[Apostle] If someone else can give me a dozen good reasons why I should let you drink in my house then I will.
[Apostle] But good luck.
[Allison] Then he won't drink and drive.
[Allison] Or drink and walk.
[Allison] and get mugged.
[Allison] Again.
[ANiceGoya] lol
[Apostle] No he drinks, he's going home or crashing on the couch again.
[Apostle] Hey that's what happened LAST TIME.
[ANiceGoya] i gathered
[ANiceGoya] could be worse
[Apostle] I'm not answering to your girlfriend if you get drunk and do something stupid.
[Allison] Eddie?
[Allison] Are you going to answer me?
[@Eddie] no
[Allison] Oh. That's too bad.
[Allison] I got drunk and tried to go to the library, so I guess I shouldn't say anything about Dib getting mugged.
[Apostle] You went with a sober person, however.
[Apostle] Besides, woe unto anyone who tries to mug you.
[Allison] Only because he was peeping the building next door.
[Allison] Yes. I would hurt them.
[ANiceGoya] man
[AgentMothman] I had a panic attack. Begin drunk had very little to do with me getting mugged
[AgentMothman] I was drunk, in my room
[AgentMothman] and then I had a panic attack, so I left
[AgentMothman] there is a DIFFERENCE
[Apostle] Okay what are you so bent out of shape about?
[AgentMothman] You and Allison. Pushing me
[AgentMothman] Eddie had been sick, and I had gotten worried. And then you pushed me
[Apostle] I wasn't here for Eddie being sick.
[@Eddie] wait
[AgentMothman] so then a month of me dealing with stress freaked me out
[Allison] I don't remember what you're talking about.
[Apostle] When you emailed Livvie.
[@Eddie] you guys told him to quit for talking to me when I was sick?
[AgentMothman] no, not that
[Apostle] ...What no.
[AgentMothman] unrelated pushing
[Allison] Eddie, you are not reading capable.
[Apostle] Pushing involving a girl.
[@Eddie] excuse me?
[Allison] He's not
[Allison] talking about
[Allison] that anymore
[AgentMothman] we're not making sence for people out side the conversation
[@Eddie] why don't you guys take your private conversations out of this chat, okay?
[AgentMothman] sorry, it involved something public
[Apostle] That it did.
[@Eddie] I don't want to deal with this.
[AgentMothman] but fine, can we drop it
[Allison] I am sorry your friend was arrested for breaking the law.
[Apostle] I'm guessing you're not having a very good day Eddie.
[Allison] Did you want to talk about that?
[@Eddie] I'm having a very bad day.
[AgentMothman] Dib is not capable of making his own decisions, move on
[AgentMothman] sorry, Eddie
[Apostle] Ffs, you are.
[@Eddie] ffs
[Allison] Tell us about your bad day, Eddie.
[@Eddie] I already said the important part.
[Allison] I bet he's having a worse day
[@Eddie] fuck you
[Apostle] Oh, that's nice.
[AgentMothman] He could be in real trouble.
[AgentMothman] granted, he's also got the money for a good lawyer.... so maybe not
[Allison] No thank you.
[Allison] He's in prison. you are not.
[Allison] Unless you are breaking him out. That would make you a good friend.
[ANiceGoya] i think bail is the step before that.
[@Eddie] I'm not discussing this.
[Allison] Is that what friends do?
[Apostle] Only friends like us, I think.
[@Eddie] he didn't break me out
[Allison] Yes. Friends like us.
[AgentMothman] can he prove it? With out you saying so?
[Allison] Oh. Are you mad about that?
[@Eddie] I'm sure. It's true.
[AgentMothman] Then he might not got to jail for as long
[@Eddie] woohoo
[AgentMothman] well, you only seem to care that we know he didn't help you get out.
[AgentMothman] so if he can prove it, then you're reputaition as a genius is saved
[@Eddie] That's all I care to talk to you about.
[AgentMothman] and you'll get someone new to play 'break out of Arkham against"
[AgentMothman] true, we are just worthless chat lurkers....
[AgentMothman] here for your ~amusement~
[Allison] I could break out. but I won't, because I promised.
[Apostle] Thank you.
[@Eddie] Can you think of no other reason why I wouldn't want to discuss it?
[AgentMothman] I can. But you normally treat us like idiots. So why should I think more deeply about it
[Apostle] We can think of plenty of reasons, I'm sure.
[@Eddie] I will spell it out.
[@Eddie] for you
[Allison] Nothing I can repeat outside my own head
[@Eddie] I'm very angry right now.
[@Eddie] I do not like talking to people about personal matters when I'm angry.
[Apostle] You could tell me, Allison.
[Apostle] Besides, Eddie, you don't really talk to us at all.
[Apostle] You talk at us.
[@Eddie] because I wouldn't want you fine people to use it as a chance to get me riled up and say something I don't want to say.
* DrGod has left #beautifulworld
* DrGod is now known as Hats
[Apostle] What, every moment we're in chat? Okay. I thought I was paranoid.
[Allison] That's really paranoid.
[@Eddie] wut
[ANiceGoya] what?
[@Eddie] no, not every moment we're in chat, wtf
[Apostle] I was talking about in general. Not this moment.
[@Eddie] good for you, buddy
[Apostle] Thank you.
[Allison] That's still paranoid.
[@Eddie] ooooookay
[@Eddie] you explain to me
[ANiceGoya] i am going to eat this takeout, and work on these sketches. my computer makes beepy noises when i get pms.
[ANiceGoya] also i bleed from places i don't have
[ANiceGoya] but, you know
[ANiceGoya] thats the miracle of life
[AgentMothman] wait, what?
[Apostle] Ahah.
[@Eddie] why my not wanting to talk about personal shit when I'm angry because you guys tend to not let go of a topic of conversation is ~paranoid~
[Apostle] We talking stigmata or just general sickness blah.
[Apostle] We've changed the topic a good dozen times.
[@Eddie] omg
[Allison] 13 times.
[Apostle] You said you think we will get you riled up to say something you don't want to say.
[Apostle] THAT
[Apostle] Is fucking paranoid my friend.
[@Eddie] lol
[@Eddie] you are so stupid
[@Eddie] like
[Apostle] If you say so.
[@Eddie] I'm not even sure you are reading the same words I am reading
[Apostle] It's entirely possible.
[Allison] What words are you reading?
[Allison] Because that is what you said.
[@Eddie] OMG
[AgentMothman] we need new people
[AgentMothman] in chat
[AgentMothman] because any time it's the four of us
[AgentMothman] it goes bad
[@Eddie] look
[@Eddie] ok
[@Eddie] I will use smaller words this time.
[Apostle] It does. This is true!
[@Eddie] I feel angry.
[@Eddie] I do not want to talk about Geoffrey.
[@Eddie] I do not think you guys are good for me to talk to about Geoffrey.
[@Eddie] I do not need to give you a reason.
[@Eddie] I do not need to talk to you about why I do not need to give you a reason.
[Allison] Those aren't very small sentences.
[AgentMothman] Allison. Please
[@Eddie] Jesus wept.
[AgentMothman] just please. Don't
[@Eddie] subject verb.
[AgentMothman] sorry, grammar is not my friend right now
[@Eddie] you're fine
[@Eddie] lol, grammar is my friend so they had it arrested
[AgentMothman] indeed
[Allison] Ha
[AgentMothman] http://joshinthecity.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/2h6yet51.jpg
[AgentMothman] here, Jesus riding a dinosaur
[AgentMothman] everyone pretend to be happy
[@Eddie] \o/
[ANiceGoya] oh are we having an art dump?
[ANiceGoya] i can play art dump.
[AgentMothman] it's not mine, I just found it
[AgentMothman] and really, its destracting
[AgentMothman] dis.... ffs
[ANiceGoya] well, yeah
[ANiceGoya] have some art i didn't do
[ANiceGoya] http://pasareaarc.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/fuseli.jpg
[ANiceGoya] http://timelookingaround.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/goya-colossus2.jpg
[ANiceGoya] http://io.uwinnipeg.ca/~vincent/4500.6-001/Cosmology/time-goya-painting.gif
[ANiceGoya] http://dante.ilt.columbia.edu/images/dore/inf.html
[ANiceGoya] http://aboutheroes.com/meta/images/Uzumaki1.jpg
[ANiceGoya] (don't click that last one, eddie)
[Apostle] Oh I read htat.
[Apostle] *That. Bah.
[@Eddie] oh god
[@Eddie] it's like harvey's face is curling in on itself
[ANiceGoya] http://www.fanac.org/fanzines/IGOTS/Igots28Sime.jpg
[Apostle] Weirdest looking babies ever.
[ANiceGoya] http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~fadey/sime.html
[Apostle] http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptrobots/reloaded_studios_robot.jpg
[Allison] That's pretty.
[Apostle] Yeah.
[Apostle] http://www.slipperybrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/rart.jpg
[Allison] http://www.pinktentacle.com/images/kaiju_torisawa_5.jpg
[Apostle] http://flaminglotus.com/sites/default/files/images/Tristan_savatier_10115%20bm2006.jpg
[ANiceGoya] internet what the fuck
[ANiceGoya] i want to see the pretty pictures
[Apostle] ...What?
[Apostle] I can email them to you later.
[ANiceGoya] and this box of douche isn't fucking letting me
[ANiceGoya] wicked
[Apostle] The last one is from flaminglotus.com
[Apostle] it might just let you view the gallery online from their site
[ANiceGoya] no, i see it now.
[ANiceGoya] fuck.
[ANiceGoya] that's impressive.
[ANiceGoya] http://senecal.deviantart.com/art/The-Lesson-4710072
[ANiceGoya] http://www.tate.org.uk/conservation/images/fuseli_shepherdsdream_large.jpg
[AgentMothman] http://www.eco-absence.org/images/norwich_032.jpg
[AgentMothman] http://www.abandoned-places.com/images/asylum05.jpg
[@Eddie] ugh
[ANiceGoya] those are some fucking beautiful steps.
[AgentMothman] http://geektechnique.org/images/1006t.jpg
[Apostle] http://www.walyou.com/img/old-manual-typewriters-robot-art-sculptures-1.jpg
[AgentMothman] angry typewriter
[ANiceGoya] i love the spiral flourish on the landing.
[AgentMothman] http://blog.sixwise.com/photos/images/images/77/640x425.aspx
[AgentMothman] I need to get back out doing that. The houses in LA never stayed abandoned long
[AgentMothman] http://www.abandonedbutnotforgotten.com/ABNF/Katoli%20World%20Taiwan/25.jpg
[Apostle] That's awesome.
[ANiceGoya] i've seen some nice places in gotham.
[AgentMothman] http://ruinsds.sakura.ne.jp/t_rando/t_rando21.jpg
[ANiceGoya] oh wow.
[ANiceGoya] hey
[ANiceGoya] isn't there that amusement park uptown that's shut down?
[Apostle] It's shut down? Damn.
[AgentMothman] there is....
[ANiceGoya] yeah
* @Eddie has left #beautifulworld
* Eddie is now known as Tod
[AgentMothman] http://unitedcats.files.wordpress.com/2006/09/amusement-park.jpg
[AgentMothman] we must have bored him
[ANiceGoya] too much rust.
[ANiceGoya] probably.
[AgentMothman] http://www.pushback.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/ampark5.jpg
[AgentMothman] http://cache.wists.com/thumbnails/2/18/218f91f0a9c6e2ef081f02c6e3ed4976-orig
[AgentMothman] it's going to rust, eventually
[Apostle] Wow.
[Apostle] Those are amazing.
[ANiceGoya] well, yeah
[ANiceGoya] but people don't like to be told that.
[Apostle] That's life.
[Apostle] Shit falls apart, people die, things stop.
[Allison] I won't. I promised.
[ANiceGoya] i didn't say it wouldn't.
[Apostle] I know so did I.
[Apostle] No, I get you Pickman
[AgentMothman] http://www.neatorama.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/chippewa.jpg
[Apostle] It's just people's averse state towards the decay of existence that I don't get.
[ANiceGoya] eh
[AgentMothman] people assume decay means death
[AgentMothman] which isn't true
[ANiceGoya] i'm not up for getting existential right now.
[Apostle] Fair enough
[AgentMothman] that be a much better picture if the person had FOCUSED
[Apostle] In other news, puzzle rings are fascinating.
[Allison] People don't like not being real.
[AgentMothman] puzzle rings?
[Apostle] Puzzle rings.
[Allison] Yes.
[AgentMothman] Oh, I found the clown
[AgentMothman] http://lh3.ggpht.com/_hVOW2U7K4-M/SXK92ruGx0I/AAAAAAAA3e4/J-RXJN9ocO0/s640/eryjseghasgsd.jpg
[AgentMothman] sorry, now tell me about puzzle rings
[ANiceGoya] fuck, man.
[Apostle] Aha.
[Allison] http://i39.tinypic.com/2ut2ipe.jpg
[Allison] What about puzzle rings?
[Apostle] http://www.anxietyspinnerrings.com/images/pr514large.jpg
[Apostle] They're cool. :P
[AgentMothman] neat
[ANiceGoya] i do not think that was a puzzle ring, ma'am.
[Apostle] No, that was hers.
[ANiceGoya] aha
[Allison] No, it's not a puzzle ring. It's something else.
[AgentMothman] I'm confused....
[Apostle] About?
[AgentMothman] I... read to fast
[AgentMothman] I think
[Apostle] Okay.
[ANiceGoya] back to drawing.
* @Tod (Mibbit@ Quit (Exit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[AgentMothman] and a hush falls over the chat
[Allison] I was watching a video.
[Apostle] We
[Apostle] are boring people at times.
[AgentMothman] ah
[Allison] It was a Mr T video?
[Apostle] It's a terrible terrible thing.
[Apostle] No one should ever watch.
[Allison] It is not.
[AgentMothman] were fools pittied?
[Apostle] LOTS
[Apostle] It is so
[Allison] It's not like I watched that video.
[Apostle] nnghgh
[Apostle] Ok we watch that shit? Alcohol.
[Apostle] Dib can come and HAVE alcohol
[Apostle] for that movie
[Allison] Yes, ok.
* ANiceGoya (shaladox@ Quit (notnet.uk.eu.darkmyst.org apocalypse.fi.eu.darkmyst.org)
[AgentMothman] what?
[AgentMothman] are you babbling about?
[Allison] Nothing.
[AgentMothman] I don't believe you
[Allison] Nooothing.
[AgentMothman] this is me, not believing you
* Terana_ (shaladox@ has joined #beautifulworld
[AgentMothman] no amount of your nothings will diswade it
* Terana_ is now known as Terana
[Allison] Mmhm.
[AgentMothman] John, Allison is plotting
[Allison] I am not.
[Allison] Anyway, he's not listening. He's busy.
[AgentMothman] damnits
[Apostle] She's always plotting.
[Apostle] This is not new
[Allison] I am *not*.
[Apostle] You are the smartest person I know.
[Apostle] You plot.
[Allison] I am not plotting now.
[AgentMothman] I think I saw plotting
[Apostle] It's a movie. We'll let you drink here to watch it.
[Apostle] That's all
[AgentMothman] what movie?
[Allison] Nothing.
[Allison] It's a secret.
[AgentMothman] yeah... then no
[Apostle] Aww.
[Apostle] It's a terrible movie everyone should be drunk if they're significant others are going to make them watch it woman stop waving it at me
[Allison] It's not my fault you're scared of it.
[AgentMothman] then why would I see it? My SO isn't making me, yours is
[Apostle] Damn you Dib
[Apostle] Damn you
[AgentMothman] I appologize for using logic and not being half the alcoholic you think I am?
[Allison] She wil.
[Allison] If I ask her. I bet.
[AgentMothman] then I will be having this converstion with her
[AgentMothman] and I will know what the movie is
[Apostle] Ffs you tell him I'm not typing that shit.
[Allison] No. He'll hide.
[Allison] She won't if I ask her not to, I bet.
[AgentMothman] still woun't do it
[Apostle] See? Plots.
[Allison] Well, no.
[Allison] Now.
[Allison] It wasn't before.
[Apostle] This is really not fair.
[Allison] It isn't my fault you're too scared to hide it.
[AgentMothman] Have you found John's 'cthulhu'?
[Apostle] ...I hate you.
[Apostle] You'd find it anyway
[Allison] His what?
[AgentMothman] his 'things that creeps him out'
[Apostle] yes.
[Apostle] Yes she has.
[Allison] Oh
[AgentMothman] Poor John
[Allison] mmhm.
[AgentMothman] all alone, having to watch whatever thing you're putting him through
[Apostle] I swear I didn't do anything to deserve this.
[Allison] Maybe I'll make you a cake as a reward.
[Allison] But maybe not.
[AgentMothman] for the people who are still alive.....
* Hats is now known as Clair[fused]
[AgentMothman] you just keep on trying til you run out of cake
[Allison] What?
[AgentMothman] the cake is a lie
[Apostle] Don't look at me I have no idea what he's going on about.
* AgentMothman is a huge nerd. Move along, these are not the lyrics you are looking for
[AgentMothman] look at me still talking while there's science to do....
[Apostle] The weekend of the 6th is the UFO convention
[AgentMothman] sure it is. Yes
[Allison] Is that next week?
[Apostle] Not this Saturday, the one after
[AgentMothman] indeedy
[Allison] Okay.
[Allison] Long time.
[Apostle] Long time?
[Allison] Loooong time.
[Apostle] I have no idea what you're talking about.
[Apostle] Should I be worried?
[Allison] What we were talking about five seconds ago.
[Apostle] The UFO convention.
[Allison] yeees.
[Allison] That is a long time away.
[Apostle] Long time to what, though?
[AgentMothman] that's the weekend of the 6th.....
[Apostle] OH.
[Apostle] Ffs
[Apostle] FFS I SAY
[AgentMothman] you do say
[Allison] I haven't even put the movie on and it's making you forgetful.
[Apostle] Augh.
[Apostle] Shush
[AgentMothman] this movies going to cause black-outs? eww
[Apostle] I hope it does
[Apostle] I don't want to remember this movie
[Allison] Fiiine.
[Apostle] I love you?
[Apostle] That movie frightens me.
[Apostle] I don't know why it doesn't frighten you.
[Allison] I haven't seen it yet!
[Apostle] The PREMISE
[Allison] Fine, John.
[Allison] Dont watch it.
[AgentMothman] wow, I can feel that from here
[Apostle] D:
[Apostle] I will
[Apostle] Just
[Apostle] nngh
[Allison] You don't have to!
* Apostle shuts up about the damned movie already.
[Apostle] I will.
[AgentMothman] ok.... It's either /horrible/ sci fi.... but you'd tell me that
[AgentMothman] but I can't see Allison wanting to see a chick flick type movie
[Apostle] It is. Horrible sci-fi is.
[Apostle] *ish
[AgentMothman] huh...
[Apostle] Keep thinking about it, you'll get it
[Allison] It's not sci fi.
[Apostle] WTF is it then?
[Allison] Watered down horror, maybe.
[Apostle] Ok
[AgentMothman] that troll movie she mentioned?
[Allison] I already watched that.
[AgentMothman] I'm really lost then
[AgentMothman] can I have another clue?
[AgentMothman] can we play 20 questions?
[Apostle] 20 questions, sure
[Allison] yes
[AgentMothman] 1) was it made in the past 5 years
[Allison] Yes.
[Apostle] Yes
[AgentMothman] 2) Was it a 'big budget' movie?
[Allison] I think so.
[Apostle] Yes
[AgentMothman] 3) Was it a remake?
[Allison] No.
[AgentMothman] fff
[Allison] 17 more.
[Apostle] Come on man, you can do it.
[AgentMothman] 4) Does it have ghosts?
[Allison] no.
[AgentMothman] 5) Does it have vampires?
[Allison] Yes.
[Apostle] Boy does it
[AgentMothman] 6) And werewolves?
[Allison] Yes.
[AgentMothman] Eww. I think I know it
[Allison] Guess.
[AgentMothman] well, theres 3 of them. but they where all crap
[Allison] No.
[AgentMothman] Underworld?
[Apostle] Nope.
[AgentMothman] damns!
[Apostle] I would not be spazzing at that
[Apostle] 14 more
[AgentMothman] 7) Did it have big stars in it?
[Apostle] Yes
[Apostle] At least one
[Allison] Yes.
[AgentMothman] ffs
[AgentMothman] 8) Was it a highschool/teen type cast
[Allison] Yes
[AgentMothman] god.... I'm missing something
[AgentMothman] not one of the Potter movies, right?
[Allison] no.
[AgentMothman] 10) should I really know this and you're suprised I don't?
[Apostle] Yes
[Allison] Yes
[AgentMothman] 11) Was is successful at the box office?
[Apostle] Yes
[Allison] Yes
[AgentMothman] Van Helsing?
[Allison] No.
[Apostle] ahah no
[Apostle] 9 left
[Apostle] More recent that that fss
[AgentMothman] I stopped watching normal TV! It's not my fault!
[AgentMothman] 12) did it come out in the last 4 months?
[Apostle] No
[Apostle] It's on DVD it can't have come out 4 months ago
[AgentMothman] well, it might be a pirated dvd! That's what I was checking
[AgentMothman] oh..... oh god
[AgentMothman] I googled
[AgentMothman] I cheated and googled and GET OUT OF THE HOUSE JOHN
[Apostle] No I'm just going to watch it
[Apostle] and watch Allison watch it and be drunk
[Apostle] That'll be amusing
[AgentMothman] but /why/
[AgentMothman] why Allison, why?
[AgentMothman] nevermind, wait
[AgentMothman] I'm going to try to forget it exists again
[AgentMothman] I was happy before
[Apostle] Because me flailing is amusing.
[Allison] Mmhm.

edsidlemirth, housepital, [chat], agent_m0thman, paintfromlife, afromp, goshdarnniteowl, samsonydelilah

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