Today has just been fantastic for the following reasons:
- I slept in again.
- I got to class early to meet my teacher regarding my assessment (a series of event management industry conferences and a networking function). Am really getting into it and feeling good. Have the all-clear to approach Beyond Blue to make a donation from the event for Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month.
- Worked heaps on assignment presentation for next week (an event proposal to an imaginary Sony Australia) with study buddy and we are both really amped and inspired to blow everyone's minds. Feeling great.
- After walking study buddy to the bus station, stopped to chat while she had a smoke.* It was great. Two hours had flown past and we didn't even notice. I don't chill out with friends enough these days.
- I GOT YOUTH ASSISTANCE! Oh, my lord I am finally loved by my government. Or at least acknowledged as suffering financially. Thank you! Debts can be paid, but now I am shouting booze for the flat tonight. Oh, well.
- ABC is Awesome on Wednesdays night again! Awesome people I know online were on The New Inventors, Arj Barker is on Spicks n Specks right now, The Hollowmen is next, Very Small Business later and the 2008 Beijing Paralympics closing ceremony is last! Lucky class was cancelled tomorrow, right?
- I'm blogging and networking online. Woot. I love the Internet. I love meeting new people.
Oh, going to get a case of beer now with Tom. Ciao, dudes.
*I quit smoking too, but that was weeks ago. Woot!