*looks around* I seem to be back in America. And I brought music!
To be more specific, the Japanese version of "Elisabeth", the German musical that's made its way all over Europe and, well, Japan. This is not the Takarazuka version, as there are dudes in it. Which is odd, since I bought it when I went to Takarazuka. :\ Oh well, it's still awesome.
I'll zip the whole thing if anyone wants it, but for now you just get my two favorite tracks (so far):
ミルク ("Milch" in German) FANTASTIC energy in this song.
Lyrics and translation.
闇が広がる ("Der Schatten Werden Langer" in German) Not only do I adore Rudolph's voice, but the contrast between him and Tod? IS LOVE.
Lyrics and translation.
I'm kind of fascinated with Rudolph in general, actually. Yay for characters that get manipulated? Or something.
I was gonna make a project of translating the songs, but someone's done it already. Ah well, I brought plenty back from Japan to practice translation on.
And now, some questions I was asked long ago. These come from
1. Are you always as adorable as you are? However adorable you may think I am (or not), I would think it's a pretty constant state, since I am... it. So, yes.
2. If you could, would you make yourself a mood theme with pictures of yourself? Hmm. Probably not, just cause of the time involved in making one. I certainly have enough pictures, though XD
3. What is your favorite thing about sake? How quickly one can get wasted off it. Yeeaah.
4. What is your second-favorite song to karaoke? In order to answer this, I must first determine my first favorite. Which I think would be "Friend Like Me" from Aladdin. Making the second-favorite "Shadow of the Moon" by Blackmore's Night. :)
5. How good is your Japanese? After spending the six weeks there, I can carry out conversations in practical situations. i.e., buying train tickets or asking questions about a hotel reservation.
And now it's YOUR turn.
Want to be interviewed?
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
P.S. The fam & I are watching the Emmys, and the guy from My Name is Earl? Who just mentioned all the people he DIDN'T want to thank? BEST ACCEPTANCE SPEECH EVAR.
"God... I know you probably had something to do with this, but you took my hair, and that's just not cool."