Aug 19, 2006 08:50
Because the fam and I are heading to Kyoto until the 26th rather soon, where I much doubt there will be internet, and I didn't want the last post before I disappeared for a week to be the "OMG DOOM...except not" post :P
Yesterday was the last day of the program. It was just a fantastic last day. We had our final class, where I recieved a very good grade on my presentation (whee!). I am confident I'll be able to place into 2nd-year Japanese once I return to NU. I can do it, I can! *dances* Then we had our Farewell Lunch, where I led everyone in Waseda's fight song. Hehehehe. But there were a lot of speeches and songs at that lunch... including one of the senseis singing "My Way" in Japanese XD and Naomi, our RA, crying. Which made me cry. ;_;
I had a good time here... Aside from the good grades, which are always hooray, this program was one of the first summer things I've done where I felt I was part of the "in" crowd. Not like I was the most partiest person--wouldn't've wanted that anyway, couldn't've gotten the grades with it--there was just this sense that people enjoyed having me around. When stuff was going down on the weekend, I was invited.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful to anyone else, becasue I know I've got many friends back home in NY and Evanston who are way more meaningful than a party invitation. But I guess being accepted in this more superficial way is somehow serving as proof that I actually am fun to hang out with. :P Maybe I've gotten more interesting over time, maybe I was just lucky enough to be among the kind of people who would find me interesting. Maybe a little of both.
We went for dinner & drinks last night, where I got drunk solely off beer for the first time since high school (haha). Then karaoke, where we sang Disney and Queen and Christina Aguilera and YAY.
I'm going to miss Mike and Danielle and Eric and Amanda and Mara and LeeAnn and....BWA.
Today I'm seeing Mt Fuji, and going to Harajuku to (in Noah's words) "see the weirdos." Tomorrow is Ghibli Museum, and then it's off to Kyoto.
(in case anyone cares, I still don't know what the little bumpies are, but they seem to be getting... less, all on their lonesome. :\)
Also, you all suck for seeing 'Snakes on a Plane' without me. :P Or rather, the movie sucks for coming out while I'm here. Bwa.
good times,