Life In Montana: Brown Christmas

Dec 19, 2006 10:44

Most people, upon hearing I'm from Montana immediately think snow.

While it is true that yes, Montana gets a fair amount of snow, reality is, it is very random and scattered.

If you live in Montana, especially near the town of "Blah", the following is likely:

Snow on Halloween. (Yes if you design your costume to be worn over a snowsuit you are from Montana-One year I was a princess, and I was pissed off because I had to wear my coat under my princess dress. It looked aweful.)

Thanksgiving to be an unknown. There is no telling what you'll get on Thanksgiving. Generally, it's cool and ... dull. It will, however, snow the second you think about puting lights up outside your house.

"I'm dreaming of a brown christmas...." just like the ones we have every year. It has been a while since santa has needed snowtires.
Christmas in Montana means this:

Aren't you jealous?

OK so we have snow. Christmas is just a reminder that soon we'll get snow.

It seems January brings snow, Feburary some more, March is most likely.

The snow falls, and melts and falls again. It stays for a while or it doesn't. One morning you just wake up to 5 inches.

March is crazy because its starting to get warmer. Snow-slush, then freezes sometimes.

I've even seen snow in June. Uh... July 4th one year we (my family) went backpacking and got over a pass an hour before they closed it, due to snow.

Anyway, with just a few short shopping days to go,
Here's wishing you all a nice, brown Christmas.

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