Weird dream last night:
First thing I remember was that I had a nice car, a silver Acura, I think. It was nighttime, yet I could see, and I had it parked on a balcony, in a familiar strip mall near my old home. The actual strip mall has no balconies, but in my dream it was really fancy, with stucco and lattices with vines, really Italian looking. Anyway, I'm impossibly parked up there, and I glance out over the parking lot, and I see a dark, rising swell on the horizon. It's a tidal wave forming.
I don't panic, in fact I feel kinda giddy, like when you're on the first ascent on a roller coaster. But I did frantically look around for high ground. Since I was already on a balcony the only thing I could do was stand on the railing. The wave built predictably and just barely got my feet wet. The water subsided very quickly, and the nearby intersection still had standing water, but there wasn't a lot of damage. Everything was just wet. There were no people, but I somehow just knew there was anarchy, every man for himself. So I did the first logical thing I could do in such a situation: Went to the local gun shop, which was in that very same strip mall.
Before I got to the gun store though, there were a few more waves, each one bigger than the last. The latest one would surely overtake the entire building. So I positioned myself in a hallway that had iron gates on either side of me. My chief concern was being swept away, and not drowning. SO I clung to gate, and let the water wash over me. After that I get to the gun store, and it's all fancy and wooden, like a shop Harry Potter would visit, with a spiral staircase and high shelves, and numerous normal looking people shopping like they would in a grocery store. The shop owner was the firearms instructor that got me my concealed carry license. He was in a standoff with a customer who apparently had a loaded gun (which I recall was a
Tommy gun, that was redesigned to be a
bullpup). Together we clumsily ended the stand off....
...Then things took an abrupt turn. I was beside a lake (this was a post-apocalyptic semi flooded world), with a few people. There was a man, either retarded or drunk, showing me how to use an inflatable raft. He pulled a cord, and a cartoonishly tug-boat shaped raft formed and he hopped on. Someone beside me on the shore scolded him. Then after some obscure series of events I was in a mansion, being approached by a old rich looking man, demanding to know why his supplies (his inflatable raft) had been pilfered. I had no good answer for him. The end.
I looked up dream symbolism, to see the significance of tidal waves. It means I'm overwhelmed with strong emotions. This is extremely not true. My strongest emotion is hunger. In fact the wave excited me instead of frightened me. I saw it as an adventure instead of a struggle. So I don't know what to make of it.