Well, in the face of the NBA play-offs and the season finale of Lost, I haven't taken that much TV time lately, but I am winnowing down the list on the DVR. Slowly.
I have to say, I'm still not always sure why on earth I am watching One Tree Hill, but what the hell was a dog doing drinking in the bar? Or was that a drunken hallucination? And thank God they have cut CMM's hair. And could it be any more soapy with the car crash and the three women picking up the phone? I also can't believe that Sophia Bush can still look at CMM with any other look except for loathing. She must be a better actress than you might think. But cliffhanger, or not, I'm really not all that sure I care if there's a wedding. That may not be the response the show was going for.
Tomorrow is my anniversary. I have a card for J. I reminded him last week (no animosity, I knew he would need one), so we'll see if he remembers for tomorrow.
Life is chugging along. Jillian is 6 months old and has started rolling over and can sit up and has the chubbiest thighs I have ever seen. But still so cute and sweet. And to prove it, a baby picture (granted, from a few weeks ago).