Oct 31, 2007 13:08
Okay, so I was not really a fan of the "Veronica does the FBI" concept for the 4th season, but I just saw the 10 minute pilot pitch thingy and, I have to say, I didn't hate it. I actually liked it fine. What is that about? I mean, I missed the Neptune folks and all, but do I miss the show enough that I would be happy with any Veronica? Has anyone else seen it? What did you think?
Okay, on to Tuesday night where I am all about the surface and not the substance. I think my attention is seriously starting to waver as the countdown to baby continues.
The costumes on Bones were awesome. Booth was a good squint, but I think the costume department has probably been wishing for this episode for a long time. The new PI lady was very weird. I would have thought she would have gotten Angela the divorce so she could be with the guy from the way she was going on. Listen up scientists -- in my mind, guessing and hypothesizing are really not that different. Tomato, tomahto. What was the deal with the mother who was sure the daughter was dead? I thought they'd get back to that, but no.
I enjoyed House, but I still don't care for Foreman. And I don't know that this episode, advanced my feelings about any of the other pledges either, but I did find it entertaining for the mirror guy to read them all. And to come up with the fact that House is the boss. House's dance after that was funny. And I also liked that Chase gave House a cut from the pool for helping Chase clean up.
veronica mars,