
May 23, 2015 20:58

Character Name: Lucas
Character Series: Mother 3
Character Age: 13


Lucas starts off the game as a ten year old child, the younger of two twin boys. He is described as gentle and kind when the player is taken to the naming screen while in contrast, his older brother Claus is called energetic. This persists throughout the majority of the first three chapters of the story. When Hinawa, his mother, is killed by a Drago, Lucas spends most of the time in his room crying while his brother Claus breaks his father Flint out of prison and goes after the monster that killed Hinawa. Flint spends the majority of his time searching desperately for Claus, as the boy goes missing soon after, leading to the neglect of poor Lucas as he cries and cries in front of Hinawa’s grave for his shattered family. This goes on for quite some time. Then for some reason . . . Lucas resolves to change. As several of the other heroic characters of the game (Kumatora, Salsa, Wes) begin to get involved in trouble with the Pigmask Army, Lucas suddenly appears, leading a baby Drago. With a whistle, he calls forth the baby’s mother to attack, destroying the tanks of the Pigmask Army and sending them fleeing. This is when he first begins to become a hero . . .

Three years pass. Asked by Wes to protect the village, Lucas has watched as greed, selfishness, and strife have corrupted Tazmily Village in the form of the money and the Happy Boxes introduced by Yokuba and the Pigmask Army. Through this time, he has remained its protector, refusing to accept the message preached by the Pigmask Army. In the process, his house has been struck with lightning a fair number of times as those who refuse the Army’s message are ‘smited’. (In reality, the lightning comes from a tower also controlled by the Pigmask Army.) He has become brave, willing to stand up for his simple beliefs and morals while the other villagers easily succumb to the flashy and entertaining lifestyle promised by the Army. Some of them have even become Pigmasks themselves. Lucas has had to take care of himself throughout this time - Flint continues to search for Claus in the mountains daily, neglecting the son that is still alive.

This new Lucas is the one who is a hero. His character becomes more difficult to define at this point as he becomes a silent protagonist and his movements are largely determined by the player. However, his defining personality traits are the ones listed above. ‘“I want to be strong.” This is what Lucas truly feels in his heart.’ This is a quote from the game, indicating that Lucas still continues to struggle with his timid nature. But because he has had to largely raise himself for the last three years and because he truly desires to change the way things are, he is more capable of doing what he knows he has to do in order to make things right. Throughout the rest of the game, Lucas unswervingly infiltrates the Pigmask Army, faces the Ultimate Chimera several times (a literally undefeatable enemy), confronts the evil mastermind Porky, and pulls the Seven Needles to summon the Dark Dragon. The last act, in particular, takes an unbelievable amount of courage as he knows that pulling the Seventh Needle means destroying the world. But he also knows that there is no other alternative. Near the end of the game, an NPC tells Lucas, “You’re his [Flint’s] solace. You’ve grown up to be a strong young man. One that your father doesn’t have to worry about. You’re a good son.”  “If you didn’t get strong, you wouldn’t be able to help those in need. This is why you have become strong.”

Throughout all of this, Lucas has never lost his kind and gentle heart. In the final battle of the game against the Masked Man, it is revealed that this is Lucas’s twin brother, Claus, who was killed and was reconstructed by Porky as a chimera. Throughout the entire fight, Lucas does not lift a finger against his brother, believing and trusting that Claus would regain his senses despite the Masked Man having attacked them so many times in the past. “You should believe in others. You should keep moving towards that light in front of you, no matter how small it look. Forget the darkness. Turn your face towards the light.” In the end, Lucas never stops believing in the goodness of others, no matter how many times they turn on him, ridicule him, oppose him, or even injure him. He even agrees with Prof. Andonuts when the latter says that Porky was truly someone to be pitied rather than despised . . .

Abilities: Lucas is one of two player-character mages in the game and focuses largely on defensive and healing PSI. Notably, he (along with Claus) can use PK Love, which is said to be the strongest PSI that not even the Magypsies were able to use.

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