General Information (Under Construction)

May 23, 2015 12:14

The following is a listing of Lucas's regains after events, his important possessions including those picked up over the course of the plot, and his character relationships with family members and friends. If you are not listed here but would like to be, or if you would like the description of the CR to be changed, please feel free to email me at or send me a PM.  Please do not comment in this entry.  Thanks!

Abilities: A Tiny, Enormous Miracle
  • Lifeup (α, β): Lucas is able to heal injuries corresponding to approximately half of the target's health in one casting.
  • Healing (α, β, ɣ): Lucas is able to heal eye damage, confusion, parasite infestation, amnesia, nausea, paralysis, poison, and unnaturally induced sleep.  Healing ɣ can restore an ally from complete incapacitation, near-death.
  • Defense Up (α, Ω): Lucas can enhance the resilience of his allies to greatly increase their innate defense.
  • Offense Up (α, Ω): Lucas can enhance the strength of his allies to greatly increase their innate offense.
  • Shield (α, Ω): Lucas can form a shield around his allies to halve damage from three physical attacks.
  • Counter (α): Lucas can create a reflective barrier around an individual to return half-damage from three physical attacks back to the assailant.
  • PSI Shield (α): Lucas can form a psychic shield around an individual to halve damage from three non-physical attacks.
  • PSI Counter (α): Lucas can create a psychic aura around an individual to return half-damage from three non-physical attacks back to the assailant.
  • Refresh: Lucas's ultimate healing PSI power, a wide-ranging, target-all PSI that restores injuries constantly over time.  It has the side-effect of lifting mood.
  • PK Flash: Lucas can excite photons to create a green flash of light that alters the neurochemistry of anyone who views it.  For normal humans without defenses, 60% of the time, the target will uncontrollably cry, becoming effectively blind.  15% of the time, the target will become paralyzed.  10% of the time, the target will become confused and delusional.  10% of the time, the target will simply die.  5% of the time, nothing happens.
  • General PSI Manifestation: Lucas can use his psychic power to jump higher and to lift heavier things than normal.  He can also release PSI shocks from his hands and feet to attack.
  • Telepathy: Lucas is able to communicate with animals and spirits.

Belongings: Like Looking For a Dropped Pickle
  • Friend's Yo-Yo: A yo-yo given as a gift from Ness to Porky.  Lucas took it from the tower where the robotic maid, Li'l Miss Marshmallow, was guarding it.  Despite being a toy, it makes for an oddly effective weapon.
  • Mr. Saturn's Tea Table: A means of transport invented by the Mr. Saturns of Saturn Valley that serves as Lucas's trusty steed.  It carries up to 4 and exhibits oddly horse-like behavior.
  • Franklin Badge: A gift from Flint that played a vital role in the final battle between Lucas and the Masked Man.  It reflects all lightning and electricity based attacks.  It may be the same Franklin Badge owned by Ness.
  • Stinkbug's Memory: An intelligent stinkbug entrusted with the truth behind the Nowhere Islands and the story of the events leading up to the final climactic battle.  Lucas trusts it with his secrets.
  • Mr. Saturn's Coffee: An inexplicably strange beverage that resembles ordinary coffee until ingested.  It sends the drinker into a trance-like state, reminding him of his accomplishments and the strengths of his heart.  In essence, the ultimate form of encouragement.
  • Tanetane Mushrooms: Powerfully hallucinogenic mushrooms that grow on the island of Tanetane.  They cut at the greatest scars and weaknesses of the heart.  Upon initial regain, they spread all over town sowing chaos until Lucas traded them in for the coffee.

Character Relationships
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