Merlin Fic: Of Possets, Furs, and Arthur, G (Arthur and Merlin pre-slash)

Feb 17, 2010 15:57

Title: Of Possets, Furs, and Arthur
Prompt: #55 Warmth ( at merlin100 )
Characters/Pairing: Arthur and Merlin, Pre-slash
Spoilers: None
Rating: G
Word Count: 500
Summary: Camelot is suffering a harsh winter and Merlin's happy to take warmth where he can find it.

Merlin stirred a generous dollop of honey and a sprinkling of crushed aniseed into the pot of milk heating over the fire. He glanced over his shoulder at Arthur, reclining under layers of blankets and furs, on the bed that Merlin had warmed earlier. “I’ve brought in extra firewood.”

“Yes, I see that, Merlin.”

Merlin poured the warm milk into a cup and brought it to Arthur. “A posset, sire.” He stood beside the bed for a moment without speaking, then added, “And I’ve taken more furs out of storage and aired them for you.”

Arthur took a sip of the milk, then looked up, bemused. “I see those as well. Thank you.”

The last few nights had been brutally cold and all of Camelot was taking extra precautions. Now that Arthur was tucked in, warm and cozy, Merlin supposed it was time for him to make the walk through the frigid hallways of the castle back to his own room and his cold, hard bed. “Looks like it’s going to be another awfully cold night.” He wrapped his arms about himself and gave an exaggerated shiver. When Arthur didn’t respond, Merlin continued to stand there, unmoving, and added, “Well, I suppose I’ll be going now.”

Rolling his eyes, Arthur lifted the blankets and nodded towards the vacant side of his bed. “Well, come on, then.”

Merlin shucked his shoes, quickly stripped to his linens, and jumped beneath the covers.

Watching as Merlin disappeared under the blankets until all that remained visible was a shock of black hair and a pair of bright eyes, crinkled at the corners from the huge smile hidden beneath the covers, Arthur shook his head fondly. Having Merlin as a servant was not unlike having a dog, really. If Merlin had a tail, Arthur thought, it would be wagging.

He held the cup out to Merlin in offer, and felt a little surge of warmth in his chest from the pleased surprise on Merlin’s face. Merlin emerged from the covers and sat up, and they shared the posset, passing it back and forth, until the cup was empty.

Arthur blew out the candle beside the bed and settled in, pulling the blankets to his chin. “Just so you know, if those cold, bony feet of yours touch me during the night, I’ll roll you right onto the floor, understand?”

“Yes, fine.”

Arthur yawned. “And if I wake up during the night and you’ve taken all the blankets for yourself, I’ll…I’ll have you put in the stocks, right?”

“Of course.”

Several moments of quiet passed and Merlin thought Arthur had fallen asleep, until his voice came again in the dark, low and groggy, “I’d wait ‘til the weather’s warmer, ‘course, ‘fore I put you in the stocks.”

Merlin gave a small snort. “That’s very kind of you, sire.”

Within moments, Arthur was snoring quietly and soon after, warmed through and through from the blankets, the sweet, warm milk, and the company, Merlin slipped into sleep himself.

arthur/merlin, merlin, merlin bbc, g-rated, drabbles, merlin drabbles, fic

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