Title: Farewell Fair, Fortuneless Feline
Prompt: #3 Curiosity ( at
merlin100 )
Characters/Pairing: Gaius POV, Arthur/Merlin
Spoilers/Warnings: Tiny bit spoilery for 2x07, The Witchfinder; warning for crack!fic?
Rating: R
Word Count: 600
Summary: Curiosity killed the… well, you know the rest.
Another drabble-gone-wild, I didn’t even try to do a 100-word version. Also, I really, really want to do artwork for this one.
Gaius could hear the patter of tiny feet following closely on his heels all the way down the hallway.
Uther had a bit of congestion and sweet barley water with liquorice would have helped with that every bit as well as the foul smelling concoction Gaius carried, but as he hadn’t yet forgiven Uther for turning him over to that damn witch-finder… well, a tonic of three-day-old fish entrails it was to be. Every cat in Camelot had trailed behind Gaius all the way to the castle and one particularly persistent little bugger had followed him right in.
Gaius and cat alike came to an abrupt halt, startled by the noise.
Kuh-tha-bump, kuh-tha-bump
What on god’s green earth? Where was that coming from? Curious, Gaius crept carefully down the hall in search of the source, quiet save for a soft, “Shh,” issued to the cat who had emitted a tiny, piteous mew.
Kuh-tha-bump, kuh-tha-bump, kuh-tha-bump
Oh, that was alarming. What manner of deadly beast could that be? Gaius followed the sound until he found himself outside Arthur’s bedchamber, where he heard the ominous noise again, kuh-tha-bump, kuh-tha-bump, kuh-tha-bump, followed by a gut-wrenching moan. That sounded like Merlin! Gaius burst through the door, intent on saving his young charge, but came to an abrupt halt at the scene before him.
In that first moment, Gaius thought that Merlin had finally lost his patience with Arthur’s many, and sometimes petty, demands and had attacked the heir prince, but then it registered that both Arthur and Merlin were naked, save for the scarf Merlin still wore around his neck. Gaius realized that the only beast in the room was the one with two backs.
Arthur was sitting in his chair with Merlin straddling his lap, his legs draped over the arms of the chair, and Merlin’s hands weren’t throttling Arthur as Gaius had initially thought, but clinging rather desperately to Arthur’s bare shoulders while Arthur, for his part, hung on to Merlin with both hands full of buttock.
For what seemed like an unbearably long moment, physician, prince, and servant all gaped at one another with matching expressions of surprise and horror, but apparently Gaius had arrived when Arthur was a bit too far gone, because suddenly Arthur’s eyes slammed shut and he gave a most powerful lurch up into Merlin causing the chair to scoot forward, then defy gravity for a brief moment, leaving the floor by a fraction of an inch and returning again with a loud, kuh-tha-bump.
This so alarmed Gaius that he leapt back, intent on leaving the room as quickly as his old feet would carry him, but he stumbled on something and found himself falling, his arms flailing futilely for purchase that wasn’t to be found.
It was the sort of fall that should have broken an old man’s hip, but when he landed, Gaius was surprised that the stone floor didn’t feel more… hard. His first thought was that Merlin had magicked a pillow beneath him to soften his fall, but then his brain belatedly registered the high-pitched, screeching yowl and he glanced down to see a furry, ginger-striped leg sticking out from beneath him at a most distressing angle.
Gaius closed his eyes and shook his head remorsefully. Poor little unfortunate creature. But Gaius would see to it that the little one’s death was not entirely in vain. Uther had been having trouble with his shoulder aching again and Gaius felt sure that a new tonic of minced cat intestines, stomach, and bile would be just the thing to set him to rights.