SPN Artwork: Lineart; R? or NC-17? (Sam/Dean)

Mar 11, 2008 09:22

Fandom: SPN
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R, maybe, or NC-17
Notes: Once upon a time, oxoniensis wrote 'hold out our hands to catch them', a beautiful Sam/Dean first-time fic. Signe's stories always create such strong images in my mind's eye and in this one, I imagined Sam and Dean in a dimly lit motel room, the only light coming from the open bathroom doorway and an ugly lamp on the nightstand by the bed. So, this won't look like much without the coloring to show the dark and light areas (and I pretty much suck at dramatic lighting effects so I kind of doubt I could pull it off even if it was colored.) I also imagined Sam in a hoodie, but I also suck at drawing clothing on bodies so Sam's hoodie got pulled off and thrown on the floor.


sam/dean, art, fanart, supernatural

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